Your Go-To Regular Expression Reference: Control Characters
\cA and \ca represent SOH (start of heading), char code 1.
\cB and \cb represent STX (start of text), char code 2.
\cC and \cc represent ETX (end of text), char code 3.
\cD and \cd represent EOT (end of transmit), char code 4.
\cE and \ce represent ENQ (enquiry), char code 5.
\cF and \cf represent ACK (acknowledge), char code 6.
\cG and \cg represent BELL (bell), char code 7.
\cH and \ch represent BS (backspace), char code 8.
\cI and \ci represent TAB (horizontal tab), char code 9.
\cJ and \cj represent LINE FEED (line feed), char code 10.
\cK and \ck represent VERTICAL TAB (vertical tab), char code 11.
\cL and \cl represent FORM FEED (form feed), char code 12.
\cM and \cm represent CARRIAGE RETURN (carriage return), char code 13.
\cN and \cn represent SO (shift out), char code 14.
\cO and \co represent SI (shift in), char code 15.
\cP and \cp represent DLE (data line escape), char code 16.
\cQ and \cq represent DC1 (device control 1), char code 17.
\cR and \cr represent DC2 (device control 2), char code 18.
\cS and \cs represent DC3 (device control 3), char code 19.
\cT and \ct represent DC4 (device control 4), char code 20.
\cU and \cu represent NAK (negative acknowledge), char code 21.
\cV and \cv represent SYN (synchronous idle), char code 22.
\cW and \cw represent ETB (end of transmit block), char code 23.
\cX and \cx represent CAN (cancel), char code 24.
\cY and \cy represent EM (end of medium), char code 25.
\cZ and \cz represent SUB (substitute), char code 26.