\u0000 (or \u{0000} if the unicode flag is set) | NULL | 0 |
\u0001 (or \u{0001} if the unicode flag is set) | SOH (start of heading) | 1 |
\u0002 (or \u{0002} if the unicode flag is set) | STX (start of text) | 2 |
\u0003 (or \u{0003} if the unicode flag is set) | ETX (end of text) | 3 |
\u0004 (or \u{0004} if the unicode flag is set) | EOT (end of transmit) | 4 |
\u0005 (or \u{0005} if the unicode flag is set) | ENQ (enquiry) | 5 |
\u0006 (or \u{0006} if the unicode flag is set) | ACK (acknowledge) | 6 |
\u0007 (or \u{0007} if the unicode flag is set) | BELL (bell) | 7 |
\u0008 (or \u{0008} if the unicode flag is set) | BS (backspace) | 8 |
\u0009 (or \u{0009} if the unicode flag is set) | TAB (horizontal tab) | 9 |
\u000A (or \u{000A} if the unicode flag is set) | LINE FEED (line feed) | 10 |
\u000B (or \u{000B} if the unicode flag is set) | VERTICAL TAB (vertical tab) | 11 |
\u000C (or \u{000C} if the unicode flag is set) | FORM FEED (form feed) | 12 |
\u000D (or \u{000D} if the unicode flag is set) | CARRIAGE RETURN (carriage return) | 13 |
\u000E (or \u{000E} if the unicode flag is set) | SO (shift out) | 14 |
\u000F (or \u{000F} if the unicode flag is set) | SI (shift in) | 15 |
\u0010 (or \u{0010} if the unicode flag is set) | DLE (data line escape) | 16 |
\u0011 (or \u{0011} if the unicode flag is set) | DC1 (device control 1) | 17 |
\u0012 (or \u{0012} if the unicode flag is set) | DC2 (device control 2) | 18 |
\u0013 (or \u{0013} if the unicode flag is set) | DC3 (device control 3) | 19 |
\u0014 (or \u{0014} if the unicode flag is set) | DC4 (device control 4) | 20 |
\u0015 (or \u{0015} if the unicode flag is set) | NAK (negative acknowledge) | 21 |
\u0016 (or \u{0016} if the unicode flag is set) | SYN (synchronous idle) | 22 |
\u0017 (or \u{0017} if the unicode flag is set) | ETB (end of transmit block) | 23 |
\u0018 (or \u{0018} if the unicode flag is set) | CAN (cancel) | 24 |
\u0019 (or \u{0019} if the unicode flag is set) | EM (end of medium) | 25 |
\u001a (or \u{001a} if the unicode flag is set) | SUB (substitute) | 26 |
\u001b (or \u{001b} if the unicode flag is set) | ESC (escape) | 27 |
\u001c (or \u{001c} if the unicode flag is set) | FS (file separator) | 28 |
\u001d (or \u{001d} if the unicode flag is set) | GS (group separator) | 29 |
\u001e (or \u{001e} if the unicode flag is set) | RS (record separator) | 30 |
\u001f (or \u{001f} if the unicode flag is set) | US (unit separator) | 31 |
\u0020 (or \u{0020} if the unicode flag is set) | SPACE | 32 |
\u0021 (or \u{0021} if the unicode flag is set) | ! | 33 |
\u0022 (or \u{0022} if the unicode flag is set) | " | 34 |
\u0023 (or \u{0023} if the unicode flag is set) | # | 35 |
\u0024 (or \u{0024} if the unicode flag is set) | $ | 36 |
\u0025 (or \u{0025} if the unicode flag is set) | % | 37 |
\u0026 (or \u{0026} if the unicode flag is set) | & | 38 |
\u0027 (or \u{0027} if the unicode flag is set) | ' | 39 |
\u0028 (or \u{0028} if the unicode flag is set) | ( | 40 |
\u0029 (or \u{0029} if the unicode flag is set) | ) | 41 |
\u002a (or \u{002a} if the unicode flag is set) | * | 42 |
\u002b (or \u{002b} if the unicode flag is set) | + | 43 |
\u002c (or \u{002c} if the unicode flag is set) | , | 44 |
\u002d (or \u{002d} if the unicode flag is set) | - | 45 |
\u002e (or \u{002e} if the unicode flag is set) | . | 46 |
\u002f (or \u{002f} if the unicode flag is set) | / | 47 |
\u0030 (or \u{0030} if the unicode flag is set) | 0 | 48 |
\u0031 (or \u{0031} if the unicode flag is set) | 1 | 49 |
\u0032 (or \u{0032} if the unicode flag is set) | 2 | 50 |
\u0033 (or \u{0033} if the unicode flag is set) | 3 | 51 |
\u0034 (or \u{0034} if the unicode flag is set) | 4 | 52 |
\u0035 (or \u{0035} if the unicode flag is set) | 5 | 53 |
\u0036 (or \u{0036} if the unicode flag is set) | 6 | 54 |
\u0037 (or \u{0037} if the unicode flag is set) | 7 | 55 |
\u0038 (or \u{0038} if the unicode flag is set) | 8 | 56 |
\u0039 (or \u{0039} if the unicode flag is set) | 9 | 57 |
\u003a (or \u{003a} if the unicode flag is set) | : | 58 |
\u003b (or \u{003b} if the unicode flag is set) | ; | 59 |
\u003c (or \u{003c} if the unicode flag is set) | < | 60 |
\u003d (or \u{003d} if the unicode flag is set) | = | 61 |
\u003e (or \u{003e} if the unicode flag is set) | > | 62 |
\u003f (or \u{003f} if the unicode flag is set) | ? | 63 |
\u0040 (or \u{0040} if the unicode flag is set) | @ | 64 |
\u0041 (or \u{0041} if the unicode flag is set) | A | 65 |
\u0042 (or \u{0042} if the unicode flag is set) | B | 66 |
\u0043 (or \u{0043} if the unicode flag is set) | C | 67 |
\u0044 (or \u{0044} if the unicode flag is set) | D | 68 |
\u0045 (or \u{0045} if the unicode flag is set) | E | 69 |
\u0046 (or \u{0046} if the unicode flag is set) | F | 70 |
\u0047 (or \u{0047} if the unicode flag is set) | G | 71 |
\u0048 (or \u{0048} if the unicode flag is set) | H | 72 |
\u0049 (or \u{0049} if the unicode flag is set) | I | 73 |
\u004a (or \u{004a} if the unicode flag is set) | J | 74 |
\u004b (or \u{004b} if the unicode flag is set) | K | 75 |
\u004c (or \u{004c} if the unicode flag is set) | L | 76 |
\u004d (or \u{004d} if the unicode flag is set) | M | 77 |
\u004e (or \u{004e} if the unicode flag is set) | N | 78 |
\u004f (or \u{004f} if the unicode flag is set) | O | 79 |
\u0050 (or \u{0050} if the unicode flag is set) | P | 80 |
\u0051 (or \u{0051} if the unicode flag is set) | Q | 81 |
\u0052 (or \u{0052} if the unicode flag is set) | R | 82 |
\u0053 (or \u{0053} if the unicode flag is set) | S | 83 |
\u0054 (or \u{0054} if the unicode flag is set) | T | 84 |
\u0055 (or \u{0055} if the unicode flag is set) | U | 85 |
\u0056 (or \u{0056} if the unicode flag is set) | V | 86 |
\u0057 (or \u{0057} if the unicode flag is set) | W | 87 |
\u0058 (or \u{0058} if the unicode flag is set) | X | 88 |
\u0059 (or \u{0059} if the unicode flag is set) | Y | 89 |
\u005a (or \u{005a} if the unicode flag is set) | Z | 90 |
\u005b (or \u{005b} if the unicode flag is set) | [ | 91 |
\u005c (or \u{005c} if the unicode flag is set) | \ | 92 |
\u005d (or \u{005d} if the unicode flag is set) | ] | 93 |
\u005e (or \u{005e} if the unicode flag is set) | ^ | 94 |
\u005f (or \u{005f} if the unicode flag is set) | _ | 95 |
\u0060 (or \u{0060} if the unicode flag is set) | ``` | 96 |
\u0061 (or \u{0061} if the unicode flag is set) | a | 97 |
\u0062 (or \u{0062} if the unicode flag is set) | b | 98 |
\u0063 (or \u{0063} if the unicode flag is set) | c | 99 |
\u0064 (or \u{0064} if the unicode flag is set) | d | 100 |
\u0065 (or \u{0065} if the unicode flag is set) | e | 101 |
\u0066 (or \u{0066} if the unicode flag is set) | f | 102 |
\u0067 (or \u{0067} if the unicode flag is set) | g | 103 |
\u0068 (or \u{0068} if the unicode flag is set) | h | 104 |
\u0069 (or \u{0069} if the unicode flag is set) | i | 105 |
\u006a (or \u{006a} if the unicode flag is set) | j | 106 |
\u006b (or \u{006b} if the unicode flag is set) | k | 107 |
\u006c (or \u{006c} if the unicode flag is set) | l | 108 |
\u006d (or \u{006d} if the unicode flag is set) | m | 109 |
\u006e (or \u{006e} if the unicode flag is set) | n | 110 |
\u006f (or \u{006f} if the unicode flag is set) | o | 111 |
\u0070 (or \u{0070} if the unicode flag is set) | p | 112 |
\u0071 (or \u{0071} if the unicode flag is set) | q | 113 |
\u0072 (or \u{0072} if the unicode flag is set) | r | 114 |
\u0073 (or \u{0073} if the unicode flag is set) | s | 115 |
\u0074 (or \u{0074} if the unicode flag is set) | t | 116 |
\u0075 (or \u{0075} if the unicode flag is set) | u | 117 |
\u0076 (or \u{0076} if the unicode flag is set) | v | 118 |
\u0077 (or \u{0077} if the unicode flag is set) | w | 119 |
\u0078 (or \u{0078} if the unicode flag is set) | x | 120 |
\u0079 (or \u{0079} if the unicode flag is set) | y | 121 |
\u007a (or \u{007a} if the unicode flag is set) | z | 122 |
\u007b (or \u{007b} if the unicode flag is set) | { | 123 |
\u007c (or \u{007c} if the unicode flag is set) | ` | ` |
\u007d (or \u{007d} if the unicode flag is set) | } | 125 |
\u007e (or \u{007e} if the unicode flag is set) | ~ | 126 |
\u007f (or \u{007f} if the unicode flag is set) | DEL (delete) | 127 |
\u0080 (or \u{0080} if the unicode flag is set) | € | 128 |
\u0081 (or \u{0081} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 129 |
\u0082 (or \u{0082} if the unicode flag is set) | BREAK PERMITTED HERE | 130 |
\u0083 (or \u{0083} if the unicode flag is set) | NO BREAK HERE | 131 |
\u0084 (or \u{0084} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 132 |
\u0085 (or \u{0085} if the unicode flag is set) | NEL (next line) | 133 |
\u0086 (or \u{0086} if the unicode flag is set) | START OF SELECTED AREA | 134 |
\u0087 (or \u{0087} if the unicode flag is set) | END OF SELECTED AREA | 135 |
\u0088 (or \u{0088} if the unicode flag is set) | CHARACTER TABULATION SET | 136 |
\u0089 (or \u{0089} if the unicode flag is set) | CHARACTER TABULATION SET WITH JUSTIFICATION | 137 |
\u008a (or \u{008a} if the unicode flag is set) | LINE TABULATION SET | 138 |
\u008b (or \u{008b} if the unicode flag is set) | PARTIAL LINE FORWARD | 139 |
\u008c (or \u{008c} if the unicode flag is set) | PARTIAL LINE BACKWARD | 140 |
\u008d (or \u{008d} if the unicode flag is set) | REVERSE LINE FEED | 141 |
\u008e (or \u{008e} if the unicode flag is set) | SINGLE SHIFT TWO | 142 |
\u008f (or \u{008f} if the unicode flag is set) | SINGLE SHIFT THREE | 143 |
\u0090 (or \u{0090} if the unicode flag is set) | DEVICE CONTROL STRING | 144 |
\u0091 (or \u{0091} if the unicode flag is set) | PRIVATE USE ONE | 145 |
\u0092 (or \u{0092} if the unicode flag is set) | PRIVATE USE TWO | 146 |
\u0093 (or \u{0093} if the unicode flag is set) | SET TRANSMIT STATE | 147 |
\u0094 (or \u{0094} if the unicode flag is set) | CANCEL CHARACTER | 148 |
\u0095 (or \u{0095} if the unicode flag is set) | MESSAGE WAITING | 149 |
\u0096 (or \u{0096} if the unicode flag is set) | START OF GUARDED AREA | 150 |
\u0097 (or \u{0097} if the unicode flag is set) | END OF GUARDED AREA | 151 |
\u0098 (or \u{0098} if the unicode flag is set) | START OF STRING | 152 |
\u0099 (or \u{0099} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 153 |
\u009a (or \u{009a} if the unicode flag is set) | SINGLE CHARACTER INTRODUCER | 154 |
\u009b (or \u{009b} if the unicode flag is set) | CONTROL SEQUENCE INTRODUCER | 155 |
\u009c (or \u{009c} if the unicode flag is set) | STRING TERMINATOR | 156 |
\u009d (or \u{009d} if the unicode flag is set) | OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND | 157 |
\u009e (or \u{009e} if the unicode flag is set) | PRIVACY MESSAGE | 158 |
\u009f (or \u{009f} if the unicode flag is set) | APPLICATION PROGRAM COMMAND | 159 |
\u00A0 (or \u{00A0} if the unicode flag is set) | a non-breaking space | 160 |
\u00A1 (or \u{00A1} if the unicode flag is set) | ¡ | 161 |
\u00A2 (or \u{00A2} if the unicode flag is set) | ¢ | 162 |
\u00A3 (or \u{00A3} if the unicode flag is set) | £ | 163 |
\u00A4 (or \u{00A4} if the unicode flag is set) | ¤ | 164 |
\u00A5 (or \u{00A5} if the unicode flag is set) | ¥ | 165 |
\u00A6 (or \u{00A6} if the unicode flag is set) | ¦ | 166 |
\u00A7 (or \u{00A7} if the unicode flag is set) | § | 167 |
\u00A8 (or \u{00A8} if the unicode flag is set) | ¨ | 168 |
\u00A9 (or \u{00A9} if the unicode flag is set) | © | 169 |
\u00Aa (or \u{00Aa} if the unicode flag is set) | ª | 170 |
\u00Ab (or \u{00Ab} if the unicode flag is set) | « | 171 |
\u00Ac (or \u{00Ac} if the unicode flag is set) | ¬ | 172 |
\u00Ad (or \u{00Ad} if the unicode flag is set) | | 173 |
\u00Ae (or \u{00Ae} if the unicode flag is set) | ® | 174 |
\u00Af (or \u{00Af} if the unicode flag is set) | ¯ | 175 |
\u00B0 (or \u{00B0} if the unicode flag is set) | ° | 176 |
\u00B1 (or \u{00B1} if the unicode flag is set) | ± | 177 |
\u00B2 (or \u{00B2} if the unicode flag is set) | ² | 178 |
\u00B3 (or \u{00B3} if the unicode flag is set) | ³ | 179 |
\u00B4 (or \u{00B4} if the unicode flag is set) | ´ | 180 |
\u00B5 (or \u{00B5} if the unicode flag is set) | µ | 181 |
\u00B6 (or \u{00B6} if the unicode flag is set) | ¶ | 182 |
\u00B7 (or \u{00B7} if the unicode flag is set) | · | 183 |
\u00B8 (or \u{00B8} if the unicode flag is set) | ¸ | 184 |
\u00B9 (or \u{00B9} if the unicode flag is set) | ¹ | 185 |
\u00Ba (or \u{00Ba} if the unicode flag is set) | º | 186 |
\u00Bb (or \u{00Bb} if the unicode flag is set) | » | 187 |
\u00Bc (or \u{00Bc} if the unicode flag is set) | ¼ | 188 |
\u00Bd (or \u{00Bd} if the unicode flag is set) | ½ | 189 |
\u00Be (or \u{00Be} if the unicode flag is set) | ¾ | 190 |
\u00Bf (or \u{00Bf} if the unicode flag is set) | ¿ | 191 |
\u00C0 (or \u{00C0} if the unicode flag is set) | À | 192 |
\u00C1 (or \u{00C1} if the unicode flag is set) | Á | 193 |
\u00C2 (or \u{00C2} if the unicode flag is set) | Â | 194 |
\u00C3 (or \u{00C3} if the unicode flag is set) | Ã | 195 |
\u00C4 (or \u{00C4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ä | 196 |
\u00C5 (or \u{00C5} if the unicode flag is set) | Å | 197 |
\u00C6 (or \u{00C6} if the unicode flag is set) | Æ | 198 |
\u00C7 (or \u{00C7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ç | 199 |
\u00C8 (or \u{00C8} if the unicode flag is set) | È | 200 |
\u00C9 (or \u{00C9} if the unicode flag is set) | É | 201 |
\u00Ca (or \u{00Ca} if the unicode flag is set) | Ê | 202 |
\u00Cb (or \u{00Cb} if the unicode flag is set) | Ë | 203 |
\u00Cc (or \u{00Cc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ì | 204 |
\u00Cd (or \u{00Cd} if the unicode flag is set) | Í | 205 |
\u00Ce (or \u{00Ce} if the unicode flag is set) | Î | 206 |
\u00Cf (or \u{00Cf} if the unicode flag is set) | Ï | 207 |
\u00D0 (or \u{00D0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ð | 208 |
\u00D1 (or \u{00D1} if the unicode flag is set) | Ñ | 209 |
\u00D2 (or \u{00D2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ò | 210 |
\u00D3 (or \u{00D3} if the unicode flag is set) | Ó | 211 |
\u00D4 (or \u{00D4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ô | 212 |
\u00D5 (or \u{00D5} if the unicode flag is set) | Õ | 213 |
\u00D6 (or \u{00D6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ö | 214 |
\u00D7 (or \u{00D7} if the unicode flag is set) | × | 215 |
\u00D8 (or \u{00D8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ø | 216 |
\u00D9 (or \u{00D9} if the unicode flag is set) | Ù | 217 |
\u00Da (or \u{00Da} if the unicode flag is set) | Ú | 218 |
\u00Db (or \u{00Db} if the unicode flag is set) | Û | 219 |
\u00Dc (or \u{00Dc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ü | 220 |
\u00Dd (or \u{00Dd} if the unicode flag is set) | Ý | 221 |
\u00De (or \u{00De} if the unicode flag is set) | Þ | 222 |
\u00Df (or \u{00Df} if the unicode flag is set) | ß | 223 |
\u00E0 (or \u{00E0} if the unicode flag is set) | à | 224 |
\u00E1 (or \u{00E1} if the unicode flag is set) | á | 225 |
\u00E2 (or \u{00E2} if the unicode flag is set) | â | 226 |
\u00E3 (or \u{00E3} if the unicode flag is set) | ã | 227 |
\u00E4 (or \u{00E4} if the unicode flag is set) | ä | 228 |
\u00E5 (or \u{00E5} if the unicode flag is set) | å | 229 |
\u00E6 (or \u{00E6} if the unicode flag is set) | æ | 230 |
\u00E7 (or \u{00E7} if the unicode flag is set) | ç | 231 |
\u00E8 (or \u{00E8} if the unicode flag is set) | è | 232 |
\u00E9 (or \u{00E9} if the unicode flag is set) | é | 233 |
\u00Ea (or \u{00Ea} if the unicode flag is set) | ê | 234 |
\u00Eb (or \u{00Eb} if the unicode flag is set) | ë | 235 |
\u00Ec (or \u{00Ec} if the unicode flag is set) | ì | 236 |
\u00Ed (or \u{00Ed} if the unicode flag is set) | í | 237 |
\u00Ee (or \u{00Ee} if the unicode flag is set) | î | 238 |
\u00Ef (or \u{00Ef} if the unicode flag is set) | ï | 239 |
\u00F0 (or \u{00F0} if the unicode flag is set) | ð | 240 |
\u00F1 (or \u{00F1} if the unicode flag is set) | ñ | 241 |
\u00F2 (or \u{00F2} if the unicode flag is set) | ò | 242 |
\u00F3 (or \u{00F3} if the unicode flag is set) | ó | 243 |
\u00F4 (or \u{00F4} if the unicode flag is set) | ô | 244 |
\u00F5 (or \u{00F5} if the unicode flag is set) | õ | 245 |
\u00F6 (or \u{00F6} if the unicode flag is set) | ö | 246 |
\u00F7 (or \u{00F7} if the unicode flag is set) | ÷ | 247 |
\u00F8 (or \u{00F8} if the unicode flag is set) | ø | 248 |
\u00F9 (or \u{00F9} if the unicode flag is set) | ù | 249 |
\u00Fa (or \u{00Fa} if the unicode flag is set) | ú | 250 |
\u00Fb (or \u{00Fb} if the unicode flag is set) | û | 251 |
\u00Fc (or \u{00Fc} if the unicode flag is set) | ü | 252 |
\u00Fd (or \u{00Fd} if the unicode flag is set) | ý | 253 |
\u00Fe (or \u{00Fe} if the unicode flag is set) | þ | 254 |
\u00Ff (or \u{00Ff} if the unicode flag is set) | ÿ | 255 |
\u0100 (or \u{0100} if the unicode flag is set) | Ā | 256 |
\u0101 (or \u{0101} if the unicode flag is set) | ā | 257 |
\u0102 (or \u{0102} if the unicode flag is set) | Ă | 258 |
\u0103 (or \u{0103} if the unicode flag is set) | ă | 259 |
\u0104 (or \u{0104} if the unicode flag is set) | Ą | 260 |
\u0105 (or \u{0105} if the unicode flag is set) | ą | 261 |
\u0106 (or \u{0106} if the unicode flag is set) | Ć | 262 |
\u0107 (or \u{0107} if the unicode flag is set) | ć | 263 |
\u0108 (or \u{0108} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĉ | 264 |
\u0109 (or \u{0109} if the unicode flag is set) | ĉ | 265 |
\u010a (or \u{010a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ċ | 266 |
\u010b (or \u{010b} if the unicode flag is set) | ċ | 267 |
\u010c (or \u{010c} if the unicode flag is set) | Č | 268 |
\u010d (or \u{010d} if the unicode flag is set) | č | 269 |
\u010e (or \u{010e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ď | 270 |
\u010f (or \u{010f} if the unicode flag is set) | ď | 271 |
\u0110 (or \u{0110} if the unicode flag is set) | Đ | 272 |
\u0111 (or \u{0111} if the unicode flag is set) | đ | 273 |
\u0112 (or \u{0112} if the unicode flag is set) | Ē | 274 |
\u0113 (or \u{0113} if the unicode flag is set) | ē | 275 |
\u0114 (or \u{0114} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĕ | 276 |
\u0115 (or \u{0115} if the unicode flag is set) | ĕ | 277 |
\u0116 (or \u{0116} if the unicode flag is set) | Ė | 278 |
\u0117 (or \u{0117} if the unicode flag is set) | ė | 279 |
\u0118 (or \u{0118} if the unicode flag is set) | Ę | 280 |
\u0119 (or \u{0119} if the unicode flag is set) | ę | 281 |
\u011a (or \u{011a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ě | 282 |
\u011b (or \u{011b} if the unicode flag is set) | ě | 283 |
\u011c (or \u{011c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĝ | 284 |
\u011d (or \u{011d} if the unicode flag is set) | ĝ | 285 |
\u011e (or \u{011e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ğ | 286 |
\u011f (or \u{011f} if the unicode flag is set) | ğ | 287 |
\u0120 (or \u{0120} if the unicode flag is set) | Ġ | 288 |
\u0121 (or \u{0121} if the unicode flag is set) | ġ | 289 |
\u0122 (or \u{0122} if the unicode flag is set) | Ģ | 290 |
\u0123 (or \u{0123} if the unicode flag is set) | ģ | 291 |
\u0124 (or \u{0124} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĥ | 292 |
\u0125 (or \u{0125} if the unicode flag is set) | ĥ | 293 |
\u0126 (or \u{0126} if the unicode flag is set) | Ħ | 294 |
\u0127 (or \u{0127} if the unicode flag is set) | ħ | 295 |
\u0128 (or \u{0128} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĩ | 296 |
\u0129 (or \u{0129} if the unicode flag is set) | ĩ | 297 |
\u012a (or \u{012a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ī | 298 |
\u012b (or \u{012b} if the unicode flag is set) | ī | 299 |
\u012c (or \u{012c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĭ | 300 |
\u012d (or \u{012d} if the unicode flag is set) | ĭ | 301 |
\u012e (or \u{012e} if the unicode flag is set) | Į | 302 |
\u012f (or \u{012f} if the unicode flag is set) | į | 303 |
\u0130 (or \u{0130} if the unicode flag is set) | İ | 304 |
\u0131 (or \u{0131} if the unicode flag is set) | ı | 305 |
\u0132 (or \u{0132} if the unicode flag is set) | IJ | 306 |
\u0133 (or \u{0133} if the unicode flag is set) | ij | 307 |
\u0134 (or \u{0134} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĵ | 308 |
\u0135 (or \u{0135} if the unicode flag is set) | ĵ | 309 |
\u0136 (or \u{0136} if the unicode flag is set) | Ķ | 310 |
\u0137 (or \u{0137} if the unicode flag is set) | ķ | 311 |
\u0138 (or \u{0138} if the unicode flag is set) | ĸ | 312 |
\u0139 (or \u{0139} if the unicode flag is set) | Ĺ | 313 |
\u013a (or \u{013a} if the unicode flag is set) | ĺ | 314 |
\u013b (or \u{013b} if the unicode flag is set) | Ļ | 315 |
\u013c (or \u{013c} if the unicode flag is set) | ļ | 316 |
\u013d (or \u{013d} if the unicode flag is set) | Ľ | 317 |
\u013e (or \u{013e} if the unicode flag is set) | ľ | 318 |
\u013f (or \u{013f} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŀ | 319 |
\u0140 (or \u{0140} if the unicode flag is set) | ŀ | 320 |
\u0141 (or \u{0141} if the unicode flag is set) | Ł | 321 |
\u0142 (or \u{0142} if the unicode flag is set) | ł | 322 |
\u0143 (or \u{0143} if the unicode flag is set) | Ń | 323 |
\u0144 (or \u{0144} if the unicode flag is set) | ń | 324 |
\u0145 (or \u{0145} if the unicode flag is set) | Ņ | 325 |
\u0146 (or \u{0146} if the unicode flag is set) | ņ | 326 |
\u0147 (or \u{0147} if the unicode flag is set) | Ň | 327 |
\u0148 (or \u{0148} if the unicode flag is set) | ň | 328 |
\u0149 (or \u{0149} if the unicode flag is set) | ʼn | 329 |
\u014a (or \u{014a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŋ | 330 |
\u014b (or \u{014b} if the unicode flag is set) | ŋ | 331 |
\u014c (or \u{014c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ō | 332 |
\u014d (or \u{014d} if the unicode flag is set) | ō | 333 |
\u014e (or \u{014e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŏ | 334 |
\u014f (or \u{014f} if the unicode flag is set) | ŏ | 335 |
\u0150 (or \u{0150} if the unicode flag is set) | Ő | 336 |
\u0151 (or \u{0151} if the unicode flag is set) | ő | 337 |
\u0152 (or \u{0152} if the unicode flag is set) | Œ | 338 |
\u0153 (or \u{0153} if the unicode flag is set) | œ | 339 |
\u0154 (or \u{0154} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŕ | 340 |
\u0155 (or \u{0155} if the unicode flag is set) | ŕ | 341 |
\u0156 (or \u{0156} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŗ | 342 |
\u0157 (or \u{0157} if the unicode flag is set) | ŗ | 343 |
\u0158 (or \u{0158} if the unicode flag is set) | Ř | 344 |
\u0159 (or \u{0159} if the unicode flag is set) | ř | 345 |
\u015a (or \u{015a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ś | 346 |
\u015b (or \u{015b} if the unicode flag is set) | ś | 347 |
\u015c (or \u{015c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŝ | 348 |
\u015d (or \u{015d} if the unicode flag is set) | ŝ | 349 |
\u015e (or \u{015e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ş | 350 |
\u015f (or \u{015f} if the unicode flag is set) | ş | 351 |
\u0160 (or \u{0160} if the unicode flag is set) | Š | 352 |
\u0161 (or \u{0161} if the unicode flag is set) | š | 353 |
\u0162 (or \u{0162} if the unicode flag is set) | Ţ | 354 |
\u0163 (or \u{0163} if the unicode flag is set) | ţ | 355 |
\u0164 (or \u{0164} if the unicode flag is set) | Ť | 356 |
\u0165 (or \u{0165} if the unicode flag is set) | ť | 357 |
\u0166 (or \u{0166} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŧ | 358 |
\u0167 (or \u{0167} if the unicode flag is set) | ŧ | 359 |
\u0168 (or \u{0168} if the unicode flag is set) | Ũ | 360 |
\u0169 (or \u{0169} if the unicode flag is set) | ũ | 361 |
\u016a (or \u{016a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ū | 362 |
\u016b (or \u{016b} if the unicode flag is set) | ū | 363 |
\u016c (or \u{016c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŭ | 364 |
\u016d (or \u{016d} if the unicode flag is set) | ŭ | 365 |
\u016e (or \u{016e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ů | 366 |
\u016f (or \u{016f} if the unicode flag is set) | ů | 367 |
\u0170 (or \u{0170} if the unicode flag is set) | Ű | 368 |
\u0171 (or \u{0171} if the unicode flag is set) | ű | 369 |
\u0172 (or \u{0172} if the unicode flag is set) | Ų | 370 |
\u0173 (or \u{0173} if the unicode flag is set) | ų | 371 |
\u0174 (or \u{0174} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŵ | 372 |
\u0175 (or \u{0175} if the unicode flag is set) | ŵ | 373 |
\u0176 (or \u{0176} if the unicode flag is set) | Ŷ | 374 |
\u0177 (or \u{0177} if the unicode flag is set) | ŷ | 375 |
\u0178 (or \u{0178} if the unicode flag is set) | Ÿ | 376 |
\u0179 (or \u{0179} if the unicode flag is set) | Ź | 377 |
\u017a (or \u{017a} if the unicode flag is set) | ź | 378 |
\u017b (or \u{017b} if the unicode flag is set) | Ż | 379 |
\u017c (or \u{017c} if the unicode flag is set) | ż | 380 |
\u017d (or \u{017d} if the unicode flag is set) | Ž | 381 |
\u017e (or \u{017e} if the unicode flag is set) | ž | 382 |
\u017f (or \u{017f} if the unicode flag is set) | ſ | 383 |
\u0180 (or \u{0180} if the unicode flag is set) | ƀ | 384 |
\u0181 (or \u{0181} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɓ | 385 |
\u0182 (or \u{0182} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƃ | 386 |
\u0183 (or \u{0183} if the unicode flag is set) | ƃ | 387 |
\u0184 (or \u{0184} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƅ | 388 |
\u0185 (or \u{0185} if the unicode flag is set) | ƅ | 389 |
\u0186 (or \u{0186} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɔ | 390 |
\u0187 (or \u{0187} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƈ | 391 |
\u0188 (or \u{0188} if the unicode flag is set) | ƈ | 392 |
\u0189 (or \u{0189} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɖ | 393 |
\u018a (or \u{018a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɗ | 394 |
\u018b (or \u{018b} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƌ | 395 |
\u018c (or \u{018c} if the unicode flag is set) | ƌ | 396 |
\u018d (or \u{018d} if the unicode flag is set) | ƍ | 397 |
\u018e (or \u{018e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǝ | 398 |
\u018f (or \u{018f} if the unicode flag is set) | Ə | 399 |
\u0190 (or \u{0190} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɛ | 400 |
\u0191 (or \u{0191} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƒ | 401 |
\u0192 (or \u{0192} if the unicode flag is set) | ƒ | 402 |
\u0193 (or \u{0193} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɠ | 403 |
\u0194 (or \u{0194} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɣ | 404 |
\u0195 (or \u{0195} if the unicode flag is set) | ƕ | 405 |
\u0196 (or \u{0196} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɩ | 406 |
\u0197 (or \u{0197} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɨ | 407 |
\u0198 (or \u{0198} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƙ | 408 |
\u0199 (or \u{0199} if the unicode flag is set) | ƙ | 409 |
\u019a (or \u{019a} if the unicode flag is set) | ƚ | 410 |
\u019b (or \u{019b} if the unicode flag is set) | ƛ | 411 |
\u019c (or \u{019c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɯ | 412 |
\u019d (or \u{019d} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɲ | 413 |
\u019e (or \u{019e} if the unicode flag is set) | ƞ | 414 |
\u019f (or \u{019f} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɵ | 415 |
\u01a0 (or \u{01a0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ơ | 416 |
\u01a1 (or \u{01a1} if the unicode flag is set) | ơ | 417 |
\u01a2 (or \u{01a2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƣ | 418 |
\u01a3 (or \u{01a3} if the unicode flag is set) | ƣ | 419 |
\u01a4 (or \u{01a4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƥ | 420 |
\u01a5 (or \u{01a5} if the unicode flag is set) | ƥ | 421 |
\u01a6 (or \u{01a6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʀ | 422 |
\u01a7 (or \u{01a7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƨ | 423 |
\u01a8 (or \u{01a8} if the unicode flag is set) | ƨ | 424 |
\u01a9 (or \u{01a9} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʃ | 425 |
\u01aa (or \u{01aa} if the unicode flag is set) | ƪ | 426 |
\u01ab (or \u{01ab} if the unicode flag is set) | ƫ | 427 |
\u01ac (or \u{01ac} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƭ | 428 |
\u01ad (or \u{01ad} if the unicode flag is set) | ƭ | 429 |
\u01ae (or \u{01ae} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʈ | 430 |
\u01af (or \u{01af} if the unicode flag is set) | Ư | 431 |
\u01b0 (or \u{01b0} if the unicode flag is set) | ư | 432 |
\u01b1 (or \u{01b1} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʊ | 433 |
\u01b2 (or \u{01b2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʋ | 434 |
\u01b3 (or \u{01b3} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƴ | 435 |
\u01b4 (or \u{01b4} if the unicode flag is set) | ƴ | 436 |
\u01b5 (or \u{01b5} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƶ | 437 |
\u01b6 (or \u{01b6} if the unicode flag is set) | ƶ | 438 |
\u01b7 (or \u{01b7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʒ | 439 |
\u01b8 (or \u{01b8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƹ | 440 |
\u01b9 (or \u{01b9} if the unicode flag is set) | ƹ | 441 |
\u01ba (or \u{01ba} if the unicode flag is set) | ƺ | 442 |
\u01bb (or \u{01bb} if the unicode flag is set) | ƻ | 443 |
\u01bc (or \u{01bc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƽ | 444 |
\u01bd (or \u{01bd} if the unicode flag is set) | ƽ | 445 |
\u01be (or \u{01be} if the unicode flag is set) | ƾ | 446 |
\u01bf (or \u{01bf} if the unicode flag is set) | ƿ | 447 |
\u01c0 (or \u{01c0} if the unicode flag is set) | ǀ | 448 |
\u01c1 (or \u{01c1} if the unicode flag is set) | ǁ | 449 |
\u01c2 (or \u{01c2} if the unicode flag is set) | ǂ | 450 |
\u01c3 (or \u{01c3} if the unicode flag is set) | ǃ | 451 |
\u01c4 (or \u{01c4} if the unicode flag is set) | DŽ | 452 |
\u01c5 (or \u{01c5} if the unicode flag is set) | Dž | 453 |
\u01c6 (or \u{01c6} if the unicode flag is set) | dž | 454 |
\u01c7 (or \u{01c7} if the unicode flag is set) | LJ | 455 |
\u01c8 (or \u{01c8} if the unicode flag is set) | Lj | 456 |
\u01c9 (or \u{01c9} if the unicode flag is set) | lj | 457 |
\u01ca (or \u{01ca} if the unicode flag is set) | NJ | 458 |
\u01cb (or \u{01cb} if the unicode flag is set) | Nj | 459 |
\u01cc (or \u{01cc} if the unicode flag is set) | nj | 460 |
\u01cd (or \u{01cd} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǎ | 461 |
\u01ce (or \u{01ce} if the unicode flag is set) | ǎ | 462 |
\u01cf (or \u{01cf} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǐ | 463 |
\u01d0 (or \u{01d0} if the unicode flag is set) | ǐ | 464 |
\u01d1 (or \u{01d1} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǒ | 465 |
\u01d2 (or \u{01d2} if the unicode flag is set) | ǒ | 466 |
\u01d3 (or \u{01d3} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǔ | 467 |
\u01d4 (or \u{01d4} if the unicode flag is set) | ǔ | 468 |
\u01d5 (or \u{01d5} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǖ | 469 |
\u01d6 (or \u{01d6} if the unicode flag is set) | ǖ | 470 |
\u01d7 (or \u{01d7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǘ | 471 |
\u01d8 (or \u{01d8} if the unicode flag is set) | ǘ | 472 |
\u01d9 (or \u{01d9} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǚ | 473 |
\u01da (or \u{01da} if the unicode flag is set) | ǚ | 474 |
\u01db (or \u{01db} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǜ | 475 |
\u01dc (or \u{01dc} if the unicode flag is set) | ǜ | 476 |
\u01dd (or \u{01dd} if the unicode flag is set) | ǝ | 477 |
\u01de (or \u{01de} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǟ | 478 |
\u01df (or \u{01df} if the unicode flag is set) | ǟ | 479 |
\u01e0 (or \u{01e0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǡ | 480 |
\u01e1 (or \u{01e1} if the unicode flag is set) | ǡ | 481 |
\u01e2 (or \u{01e2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǣ | 482 |
\u01e3 (or \u{01e3} if the unicode flag is set) | ǣ | 483 |
\u01e4 (or \u{01e4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǥ | 484 |
\u01e5 (or \u{01e5} if the unicode flag is set) | ǥ | 485 |
\u01e6 (or \u{01e6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǧ | 486 |
\u01e7 (or \u{01e7} if the unicode flag is set) | ǧ | 487 |
\u01e8 (or \u{01e8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǩ | 488 |
\u01e9 (or \u{01e9} if the unicode flag is set) | ǩ | 489 |
\u01ea (or \u{01ea} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǫ | 490 |
\u01eb (or \u{01eb} if the unicode flag is set) | ǫ | 491 |
\u01ec (or \u{01ec} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǭ | 492 |
\u01ed (or \u{01ed} if the unicode flag is set) | ǭ | 493 |
\u01ee (or \u{01ee} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǯ | 494 |
\u01ef (or \u{01ef} if the unicode flag is set) | ǯ | 495 |
\u01f0 (or \u{01f0} if the unicode flag is set) | ǰ | 496 |
\u01f1 (or \u{01f1} if the unicode flag is set) | DZ | 497 |
\u01f2 (or \u{01f2} if the unicode flag is set) | Dz | 498 |
\u01f3 (or \u{01f3} if the unicode flag is set) | dz | 499 |
\u01f4 (or \u{01f4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǵ | 500 |
\u01f5 (or \u{01f5} if the unicode flag is set) | ǵ | 501 |
\u01f6 (or \u{01f6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƕ | 502 |
\u01f7 (or \u{01f7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƿ | 503 |
\u01f8 (or \u{01f8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǹ | 504 |
\u01f9 (or \u{01f9} if the unicode flag is set) | ǹ | 505 |
\u01fa (or \u{01fa} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǻ | 506 |
\u01fb (or \u{01fb} if the unicode flag is set) | ǻ | 507 |
\u01fc (or \u{01fc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǽ | 508 |
\u01fd (or \u{01fd} if the unicode flag is set) | ǽ | 509 |
\u01fe (or \u{01fe} if the unicode flag is set) | Ǿ | 510 |
\u01ff (or \u{01ff} if the unicode flag is set) | ǿ | 511 |
\u0200 (or \u{0200} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȁ | 512 |
\u0201 (or \u{0201} if the unicode flag is set) | ȁ | 513 |
\u0202 (or \u{0202} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȃ | 514 |
\u0203 (or \u{0203} if the unicode flag is set) | ȃ | 515 |
\u0204 (or \u{0204} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȅ | 516 |
\u0205 (or \u{0205} if the unicode flag is set) | ȅ | 517 |
\u0206 (or \u{0206} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȇ | 518 |
\u0207 (or \u{0207} if the unicode flag is set) | ȇ | 519 |
\u0208 (or \u{0208} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȉ | 520 |
\u0209 (or \u{0209} if the unicode flag is set) | ȉ | 521 |
\u020a (or \u{020a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȋ | 522 |
\u020b (or \u{020b} if the unicode flag is set) | ȋ | 523 |
\u020c (or \u{020c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȍ | 524 |
\u020d (or \u{020d} if the unicode flag is set) | ȍ | 525 |
\u020e (or \u{020e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȏ | 526 |
\u020f (or \u{020f} if the unicode flag is set) | ȏ | 527 |
\u0210 (or \u{0210} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȑ | 528 |
\u0211 (or \u{0211} if the unicode flag is set) | ȑ | 529 |
\u0212 (or \u{0212} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȓ | 530 |
\u0213 (or \u{0213} if the unicode flag is set) | ȓ | 531 |
\u0214 (or \u{0214} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȕ | 532 |
\u0215 (or \u{0215} if the unicode flag is set) | ȕ | 533 |
\u0216 (or \u{0216} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȗ | 534 |
\u0217 (or \u{0217} if the unicode flag is set) | ȗ | 535 |
\u0218 (or \u{0218} if the unicode flag is set) | Ș | 536 |
\u0219 (or \u{0219} if the unicode flag is set) | ș | 537 |
\u021a (or \u{021a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ț | 538 |
\u021b (or \u{021b} if the unicode flag is set) | ț | 539 |
\u021c (or \u{021c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȝ | 540 |
\u021d (or \u{021d} if the unicode flag is set) | ȝ | 541 |
\u021e (or \u{021e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȟ | 542 |
\u021f (or \u{021f} if the unicode flag is set) | ȟ | 543 |
\u0220 (or \u{0220} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƞ | 544 |
\u0221 (or \u{0221} if the unicode flag is set) | ȡ | 545 |
\u0222 (or \u{0222} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȣ | 546 |
\u0223 (or \u{0223} if the unicode flag is set) | ȣ | 547 |
\u0224 (or \u{0224} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȥ | 548 |
\u0225 (or \u{0225} if the unicode flag is set) | ȥ | 549 |
\u0226 (or \u{0226} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȧ | 550 |
\u0227 (or \u{0227} if the unicode flag is set) | ȧ | 551 |
\u0228 (or \u{0228} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȩ | 552 |
\u0229 (or \u{0229} if the unicode flag is set) | ȩ | 553 |
\u022a (or \u{022a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȫ | 554 |
\u022b (or \u{022b} if the unicode flag is set) | ȫ | 555 |
\u022c (or \u{022c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȭ | 556 |
\u022d (or \u{022d} if the unicode flag is set) | ȭ | 557 |
\u022e (or \u{022e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȯ | 558 |
\u022f (or \u{022f} if the unicode flag is set) | ȯ | 559 |
\u0230 (or \u{0230} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȱ | 560 |
\u0231 (or \u{0231} if the unicode flag is set) | ȱ | 561 |
\u0232 (or \u{0232} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȳ | 562 |
\u0233 (or \u{0233} if the unicode flag is set) | ȳ | 563 |
\u0234 (or \u{0234} if the unicode flag is set) | ȴ | 564 |
\u0235 (or \u{0235} if the unicode flag is set) | ȵ | 565 |
\u0236 (or \u{0236} if the unicode flag is set) | ȶ | 566 |
\u0237 (or \u{0237} if the unicode flag is set) | ȷ | 567 |
\u0238 (or \u{0238} if the unicode flag is set) | ȸ | 568 |
\u0239 (or \u{0239} if the unicode flag is set) | ȹ | 569 |
\u023a (or \u{023a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ⱥ | 570 |
\u023b (or \u{023b} if the unicode flag is set) | Ȼ | 571 |
\u023c (or \u{023c} if the unicode flag is set) | ȼ | 572 |
\u023d (or \u{023d} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƚ | 573 |
\u023e (or \u{023e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ⱦ | 574 |
\u023f (or \u{023f} if the unicode flag is set) | ȿ | 575 |
\u0240 (or \u{0240} if the unicode flag is set) | ɀ | 576 |
\u0241 (or \u{0241} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɂ | 577 |
\u0242 (or \u{0242} if the unicode flag is set) | ɂ | 578 |
\u0243 (or \u{0243} if the unicode flag is set) | Ƀ | 579 |
\u0244 (or \u{0244} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʉ | 580 |
\u0245 (or \u{0245} if the unicode flag is set) | Ʌ | 581 |
\u0246 (or \u{0246} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɇ | 582 |
\u0247 (or \u{0247} if the unicode flag is set) | ɇ | 583 |
\u0248 (or \u{0248} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɉ | 584 |
\u0249 (or \u{0249} if the unicode flag is set) | ɉ | 585 |
\u024a (or \u{024a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɋ | 586 |
\u024b (or \u{024b} if the unicode flag is set) | ɋ | 587 |
\u024c (or \u{024c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɍ | 588 |
\u024d (or \u{024d} if the unicode flag is set) | ɍ | 589 |
\u024e (or \u{024e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ɏ | 590 |
\u024f (or \u{024f} if the unicode flag is set) | ɏ | 591 |
\u0250 (or \u{0250} if the unicode flag is set) | ɐ | 592 |
\u0251 (or \u{0251} if the unicode flag is set) | ɑ | 593 |
\u0252 (or \u{0252} if the unicode flag is set) | ɒ | 594 |
\u0253 (or \u{0253} if the unicode flag is set) | ɓ | 595 |
\u0254 (or \u{0254} if the unicode flag is set) | ɔ | 596 |
\u0255 (or \u{0255} if the unicode flag is set) | ɕ | 597 |
\u0256 (or \u{0256} if the unicode flag is set) | ɖ | 598 |
\u0257 (or \u{0257} if the unicode flag is set) | ɗ | 599 |
\u0258 (or \u{0258} if the unicode flag is set) | ɘ | 600 |
\u0259 (or \u{0259} if the unicode flag is set) | ə | 601 |
\u025a (or \u{025a} if the unicode flag is set) | ɚ | 602 |
\u025b (or \u{025b} if the unicode flag is set) | ɛ | 603 |
\u025c (or \u{025c} if the unicode flag is set) | ɜ | 604 |
\u025d (or \u{025d} if the unicode flag is set) | ɝ | 605 |
\u025e (or \u{025e} if the unicode flag is set) | ɞ | 606 |
\u025f (or \u{025f} if the unicode flag is set) | ɟ | 607 |
\u0260 (or \u{0260} if the unicode flag is set) | ɠ | 608 |
\u0261 (or \u{0261} if the unicode flag is set) | ɡ | 609 |
\u0262 (or \u{0262} if the unicode flag is set) | ɢ | 610 |
\u0263 (or \u{0263} if the unicode flag is set) | ɣ | 611 |
\u0264 (or \u{0264} if the unicode flag is set) | ɤ | 612 |
\u0265 (or \u{0265} if the unicode flag is set) | ɥ | 613 |
\u0266 (or \u{0266} if the unicode flag is set) | ɦ | 614 |
\u0267 (or \u{0267} if the unicode flag is set) | ɧ | 615 |
\u0268 (or \u{0268} if the unicode flag is set) | ɨ | 616 |
\u0269 (or \u{0269} if the unicode flag is set) | ɩ | 617 |
\u026a (or \u{026a} if the unicode flag is set) | ɪ | 618 |
\u026b (or \u{026b} if the unicode flag is set) | ɫ | 619 |
\u026c (or \u{026c} if the unicode flag is set) | ɬ | 620 |
\u026d (or \u{026d} if the unicode flag is set) | ɭ | 621 |
\u026e (or \u{026e} if the unicode flag is set) | ɮ | 622 |
\u026f (or \u{026f} if the unicode flag is set) | ɯ | 623 |
\u0270 (or \u{0270} if the unicode flag is set) | ɰ | 624 |
\u0271 (or \u{0271} if the unicode flag is set) | ɱ | 625 |
\u0272 (or \u{0272} if the unicode flag is set) | ɲ | 626 |
\u0273 (or \u{0273} if the unicode flag is set) | ɳ | 627 |
\u0274 (or \u{0274} if the unicode flag is set) | ɴ | 628 |
\u0275 (or \u{0275} if the unicode flag is set) | ɵ | 629 |
\u0276 (or \u{0276} if the unicode flag is set) | ɶ | 630 |
\u0277 (or \u{0277} if the unicode flag is set) | ɷ | 631 |
\u0278 (or \u{0278} if the unicode flag is set) | ɸ | 632 |
\u0279 (or \u{0279} if the unicode flag is set) | ɹ | 633 |
\u027a (or \u{027a} if the unicode flag is set) | ɺ | 634 |
\u027b (or \u{027b} if the unicode flag is set) | ɻ | 635 |
\u027c (or \u{027c} if the unicode flag is set) | ɼ | 636 |
\u027d (or \u{027d} if the unicode flag is set) | ɽ | 637 |
\u027e (or \u{027e} if the unicode flag is set) | ɾ | 638 |
\u027f (or \u{027f} if the unicode flag is set) | ɿ | 639 |
\u0280 (or \u{0280} if the unicode flag is set) | ʀ | 640 |
\u0281 (or \u{0281} if the unicode flag is set) | ʁ | 641 |
\u0282 (or \u{0282} if the unicode flag is set) | ʂ | 642 |
\u0283 (or \u{0283} if the unicode flag is set) | ʃ | 643 |
\u0284 (or \u{0284} if the unicode flag is set) | ʄ | 644 |
\u0285 (or \u{0285} if the unicode flag is set) | ʅ | 645 |
\u0286 (or \u{0286} if the unicode flag is set) | ʆ | 646 |
\u0287 (or \u{0287} if the unicode flag is set) | ʇ | 647 |
\u0288 (or \u{0288} if the unicode flag is set) | ʈ | 648 |
\u0289 (or \u{0289} if the unicode flag is set) | ʉ | 649 |
\u028a (or \u{028a} if the unicode flag is set) | ʊ | 650 |
\u028b (or \u{028b} if the unicode flag is set) | ʋ | 651 |
\u028c (or \u{028c} if the unicode flag is set) | ʌ | 652 |
\u028d (or \u{028d} if the unicode flag is set) | ʍ | 653 |
\u028e (or \u{028e} if the unicode flag is set) | ʎ | 654 |
\u028f (or \u{028f} if the unicode flag is set) | ʏ | 655 |
\u0290 (or \u{0290} if the unicode flag is set) | ʐ | 656 |
\u0291 (or \u{0291} if the unicode flag is set) | ʑ | 657 |
\u0292 (or \u{0292} if the unicode flag is set) | ʒ | 658 |
\u0293 (or \u{0293} if the unicode flag is set) | ʓ | 659 |
\u0294 (or \u{0294} if the unicode flag is set) | ʔ | 660 |
\u0295 (or \u{0295} if the unicode flag is set) | ʕ | 661 |
\u0296 (or \u{0296} if the unicode flag is set) | ʖ | 662 |
\u0297 (or \u{0297} if the unicode flag is set) | ʗ | 663 |
\u0298 (or \u{0298} if the unicode flag is set) | ʘ | 664 |
\u0299 (or \u{0299} if the unicode flag is set) | ʙ | 665 |
\u029a (or \u{029a} if the unicode flag is set) | ʚ | 666 |
\u029b (or \u{029b} if the unicode flag is set) | ʛ | 667 |
\u029c (or \u{029c} if the unicode flag is set) | ʜ | 668 |
\u029d (or \u{029d} if the unicode flag is set) | ʝ | 669 |
\u029e (or \u{029e} if the unicode flag is set) | ʞ | 670 |
\u029f (or \u{029f} if the unicode flag is set) | ʟ | 671 |
\u02a0 (or \u{02a0} if the unicode flag is set) | ʠ | 672 |
\u02a1 (or \u{02a1} if the unicode flag is set) | ʡ | 673 |
\u02a2 (or \u{02a2} if the unicode flag is set) | ʢ | 674 |
\u02a3 (or \u{02a3} if the unicode flag is set) | ʣ | 675 |
\u02a4 (or \u{02a4} if the unicode flag is set) | ʤ | 676 |
\u02a5 (or \u{02a5} if the unicode flag is set) | ʥ | 677 |
\u02a6 (or \u{02a6} if the unicode flag is set) | ʦ | 678 |
\u02a7 (or \u{02a7} if the unicode flag is set) | ʧ | 679 |
\u02a8 (or \u{02a8} if the unicode flag is set) | ʨ | 680 |
\u02a9 (or \u{02a9} if the unicode flag is set) | ʩ | 681 |
\u02aa (or \u{02aa} if the unicode flag is set) | ʪ | 682 |
\u02ab (or \u{02ab} if the unicode flag is set) | ʫ | 683 |
\u02ac (or \u{02ac} if the unicode flag is set) | ʬ | 684 |
\u02ad (or \u{02ad} if the unicode flag is set) | ʭ | 685 |
\u02ae (or \u{02ae} if the unicode flag is set) | ʮ | 686 |
\u02af (or \u{02af} if the unicode flag is set) | ʯ | 687 |
\u02b0 (or \u{02b0} if the unicode flag is set) | ʰ | 688 |
\u02b1 (or \u{02b1} if the unicode flag is set) | ʱ | 689 |
\u02b2 (or \u{02b2} if the unicode flag is set) | ʲ | 690 |
\u02b3 (or \u{02b3} if the unicode flag is set) | ʳ | 691 |
\u02b4 (or \u{02b4} if the unicode flag is set) | ʴ | 692 |
\u02b5 (or \u{02b5} if the unicode flag is set) | ʵ | 693 |
\u02b6 (or \u{02b6} if the unicode flag is set) | ʶ | 694 |
\u02b7 (or \u{02b7} if the unicode flag is set) | ʷ | 695 |
\u02b8 (or \u{02b8} if the unicode flag is set) | ʸ | 696 |
\u02b9 (or \u{02b9} if the unicode flag is set) | ʹ | 697 |
\u02ba (or \u{02ba} if the unicode flag is set) | ʺ | 698 |
\u02bb (or \u{02bb} if the unicode flag is set) | ʻ | 699 |
\u02bc (or \u{02bc} if the unicode flag is set) | ʼ | 700 |
\u02bd (or \u{02bd} if the unicode flag is set) | ʽ | 701 |
\u02be (or \u{02be} if the unicode flag is set) | ʾ | 702 |
\u02bf (or \u{02bf} if the unicode flag is set) | ʿ | 703 |
\u02c0 (or \u{02c0} if the unicode flag is set) | ˀ | 704 |
\u02c1 (or \u{02c1} if the unicode flag is set) | ˁ | 705 |
\u02c2 (or \u{02c2} if the unicode flag is set) | ˂ | 706 |
\u02c3 (or \u{02c3} if the unicode flag is set) | ˃ | 707 |
\u02c4 (or \u{02c4} if the unicode flag is set) | ˄ | 708 |
\u02c5 (or \u{02c5} if the unicode flag is set) | ˅ | 709 |
\u02c6 (or \u{02c6} if the unicode flag is set) | ˆ | 710 |
\u02c7 (or \u{02c7} if the unicode flag is set) | ˇ | 711 |
\u02c8 (or \u{02c8} if the unicode flag is set) | ˈ | 712 |
\u02c9 (or \u{02c9} if the unicode flag is set) | ˉ | 713 |
\u02ca (or \u{02ca} if the unicode flag is set) | ˊ | 714 |
\u02cb (or \u{02cb} if the unicode flag is set) | ˋ | 715 |
\u02cc (or \u{02cc} if the unicode flag is set) | ˌ | 716 |
\u02cd (or \u{02cd} if the unicode flag is set) | ˍ | 717 |
\u02ce (or \u{02ce} if the unicode flag is set) | ˎ | 718 |
\u02cf (or \u{02cf} if the unicode flag is set) | ˏ | 719 |
\u02d0 (or \u{02d0} if the unicode flag is set) | ː | 720 |
\u02d1 (or \u{02d1} if the unicode flag is set) | ˑ | 721 |
\u02d2 (or \u{02d2} if the unicode flag is set) | ˒ | 722 |
\u02d3 (or \u{02d3} if the unicode flag is set) | ˓ | 723 |
\u02d4 (or \u{02d4} if the unicode flag is set) | ˔ | 724 |
\u02d5 (or \u{02d5} if the unicode flag is set) | ˕ | 725 |
\u02d6 (or \u{02d6} if the unicode flag is set) | ˖ | 726 |
\u02d7 (or \u{02d7} if the unicode flag is set) | ˗ | 727 |
\u02d8 (or \u{02d8} if the unicode flag is set) | ˘ | 728 |
\u02d9 (or \u{02d9} if the unicode flag is set) | ˙ | 729 |
\u02da (or \u{02da} if the unicode flag is set) | ˚ | 730 |
\u02db (or \u{02db} if the unicode flag is set) | ˛ | 731 |
\u02dc (or \u{02dc} if the unicode flag is set) | ˜ | 732 |
\u02dd (or \u{02dd} if the unicode flag is set) | ˝ | 733 |
\u02de (or \u{02de} if the unicode flag is set) | ˞ | 734 |
\u02df (or \u{02df} if the unicode flag is set) | ˟ | 735 |
\u02e0 (or \u{02e0} if the unicode flag is set) | ˠ | 736 |
\u02e1 (or \u{02e1} if the unicode flag is set) | ˡ | 737 |
\u02e2 (or \u{02e2} if the unicode flag is set) | ˢ | 738 |
\u02e3 (or \u{02e3} if the unicode flag is set) | ˣ | 739 |
\u02e4 (or \u{02e4} if the unicode flag is set) | ˤ | 740 |
\u02e5 (or \u{02e5} if the unicode flag is set) | ˥ | 741 |
\u02e6 (or \u{02e6} if the unicode flag is set) | ˦ | 742 |
\u02e7 (or \u{02e7} if the unicode flag is set) | ˧ | 743 |
\u02e8 (or \u{02e8} if the unicode flag is set) | ˨ | 744 |
\u02e9 (or \u{02e9} if the unicode flag is set) | ˩ | 745 |
\u02ea (or \u{02ea} if the unicode flag is set) | ˪ | 746 |
\u02eb (or \u{02eb} if the unicode flag is set) | ˫ | 747 |
\u02ec (or \u{02ec} if the unicode flag is set) | ˬ | 748 |
\u02ed (or \u{02ed} if the unicode flag is set) | ˭ | 749 |
\u02ee (or \u{02ee} if the unicode flag is set) | ˮ | 750 |
\u02ef (or \u{02ef} if the unicode flag is set) | ˯ | 751 |
\u02f0 (or \u{02f0} if the unicode flag is set) | ˰ | 752 |
\u02f1 (or \u{02f1} if the unicode flag is set) | ˱ | 753 |
\u02f2 (or \u{02f2} if the unicode flag is set) | ˲ | 754 |
\u02f3 (or \u{02f3} if the unicode flag is set) | ˳ | 755 |
\u02f4 (or \u{02f4} if the unicode flag is set) | ˴ | 756 |
\u02f5 (or \u{02f5} if the unicode flag is set) | ˵ | 757 |
\u02f6 (or \u{02f6} if the unicode flag is set) | ˶ | 758 |
\u02f7 (or \u{02f7} if the unicode flag is set) | ˷ | 759 |
\u02f8 (or \u{02f8} if the unicode flag is set) | ˸ | 760 |
\u02f9 (or \u{02f9} if the unicode flag is set) | ˹ | 761 |
\u02fa (or \u{02fa} if the unicode flag is set) | ˺ | 762 |
\u02fb (or \u{02fb} if the unicode flag is set) | ˻ | 763 |
\u02fc (or \u{02fc} if the unicode flag is set) | ˼ | 764 |
\u02fd (or \u{02fd} if the unicode flag is set) | ˽ | 765 |
\u02fe (or \u{02fe} if the unicode flag is set) | ˾ | 766 |
\u02ff (or \u{02ff} if the unicode flag is set) | ˿ | 767 |
\u0300 (or \u{0300} if the unicode flag is set) | ̀ | 768 |
\u0301 (or \u{0301} if the unicode flag is set) | ́ | 769 |
\u0302 (or \u{0302} if the unicode flag is set) | ̂ | 770 |
\u0303 (or \u{0303} if the unicode flag is set) | ̃ | 771 |
\u0304 (or \u{0304} if the unicode flag is set) | ̄ | 772 |
\u0305 (or \u{0305} if the unicode flag is set) | ̅ | 773 |
\u0306 (or \u{0306} if the unicode flag is set) | ̆ | 774 |
\u0307 (or \u{0307} if the unicode flag is set) | ̇ | 775 |
\u0308 (or \u{0308} if the unicode flag is set) | ̈ | 776 |
\u0309 (or \u{0309} if the unicode flag is set) | ̉ | 777 |
\u030a (or \u{030a} if the unicode flag is set) | ̊ | 778 |
\u030b (or \u{030b} if the unicode flag is set) | ̋ | 779 |
\u030c (or \u{030c} if the unicode flag is set) | ̌ | 780 |
\u030d (or \u{030d} if the unicode flag is set) | ̍ | 781 |
\u030e (or \u{030e} if the unicode flag is set) | ̎ | 782 |
\u030f (or \u{030f} if the unicode flag is set) | ̏ | 783 |
\u0310 (or \u{0310} if the unicode flag is set) | ̐ | 784 |
\u0311 (or \u{0311} if the unicode flag is set) | ̑ | 785 |
\u0312 (or \u{0312} if the unicode flag is set) | ̒ | 786 |
\u0313 (or \u{0313} if the unicode flag is set) | ̓ | 787 |
\u0314 (or \u{0314} if the unicode flag is set) | ̔ | 788 |
\u0315 (or \u{0315} if the unicode flag is set) | ̕ | 789 |
\u0316 (or \u{0316} if the unicode flag is set) | ̖ | 790 |
\u0317 (or \u{0317} if the unicode flag is set) | ̗ | 791 |
\u0318 (or \u{0318} if the unicode flag is set) | ̘ | 792 |
\u0319 (or \u{0319} if the unicode flag is set) | ̙ | 793 |
\u031a (or \u{031a} if the unicode flag is set) | ̚ | 794 |
\u031b (or \u{031b} if the unicode flag is set) | ̛ | 795 |
\u031c (or \u{031c} if the unicode flag is set) | ̜ | 796 |
\u031d (or \u{031d} if the unicode flag is set) | ̝ | 797 |
\u031e (or \u{031e} if the unicode flag is set) | ̞ | 798 |
\u031f (or \u{031f} if the unicode flag is set) | ̟ | 799 |
\u0320 (or \u{0320} if the unicode flag is set) | ̠ | 800 |
\u0321 (or \u{0321} if the unicode flag is set) | ̡ | 801 |
\u0322 (or \u{0322} if the unicode flag is set) | ̢ | 802 |
\u0323 (or \u{0323} if the unicode flag is set) | ̣ | 803 |
\u0324 (or \u{0324} if the unicode flag is set) | ̤ | 804 |
\u0325 (or \u{0325} if the unicode flag is set) | ̥ | 805 |
\u0326 (or \u{0326} if the unicode flag is set) | ̦ | 806 |
\u0327 (or \u{0327} if the unicode flag is set) | ̧ | 807 |
\u0328 (or \u{0328} if the unicode flag is set) | ̨ | 808 |
\u0329 (or \u{0329} if the unicode flag is set) | ̩ | 809 |
\u032a (or \u{032a} if the unicode flag is set) | ̪ | 810 |
\u032b (or \u{032b} if the unicode flag is set) | ̫ | 811 |
\u032c (or \u{032c} if the unicode flag is set) | ̬ | 812 |
\u032d (or \u{032d} if the unicode flag is set) | ̭ | 813 |
\u032e (or \u{032e} if the unicode flag is set) | ̮ | 814 |
\u032f (or \u{032f} if the unicode flag is set) | ̯ | 815 |
\u0330 (or \u{0330} if the unicode flag is set) | ̰ | 816 |
\u0331 (or \u{0331} if the unicode flag is set) | ̱ | 817 |
\u0332 (or \u{0332} if the unicode flag is set) | ̲ | 818 |
\u0333 (or \u{0333} if the unicode flag is set) | ̳ | 819 |
\u0334 (or \u{0334} if the unicode flag is set) | ̴ | 820 |
\u0335 (or \u{0335} if the unicode flag is set) | ̵ | 821 |
\u0336 (or \u{0336} if the unicode flag is set) | ̶ | 822 |
\u0337 (or \u{0337} if the unicode flag is set) | ̷ | 823 |
\u0338 (or \u{0338} if the unicode flag is set) | ̸ | 824 |
\u0339 (or \u{0339} if the unicode flag is set) | ̹ | 825 |
\u033a (or \u{033a} if the unicode flag is set) | ̺ | 826 |
\u033b (or \u{033b} if the unicode flag is set) | ̻ | 827 |
\u033c (or \u{033c} if the unicode flag is set) | ̼ | 828 |
\u033d (or \u{033d} if the unicode flag is set) | ̽ | 829 |
\u033e (or \u{033e} if the unicode flag is set) | ̾ | 830 |
\u033f (or \u{033f} if the unicode flag is set) | ̿ | 831 |
\u0340 (or \u{0340} if the unicode flag is set) | ̀ | 832 |
\u0341 (or \u{0341} if the unicode flag is set) | ́ | 833 |
\u0342 (or \u{0342} if the unicode flag is set) | ͂ | 834 |
\u0343 (or \u{0343} if the unicode flag is set) | ̓ | 835 |
\u0344 (or \u{0344} if the unicode flag is set) | ̈́ | 836 |
\u0345 (or \u{0345} if the unicode flag is set) | ͅ | 837 |
\u0346 (or \u{0346} if the unicode flag is set) | ͆ | 838 |
\u0347 (or \u{0347} if the unicode flag is set) | ͇ | 839 |
\u0348 (or \u{0348} if the unicode flag is set) | ͈ | 840 |
\u0349 (or \u{0349} if the unicode flag is set) | ͉ | 841 |
\u034a (or \u{034a} if the unicode flag is set) | ͊ | 842 |
\u034b (or \u{034b} if the unicode flag is set) | ͋ | 843 |
\u034c (or \u{034c} if the unicode flag is set) | ͌ | 844 |
\u034d (or \u{034d} if the unicode flag is set) | ͍ | 845 |
\u034e (or \u{034e} if the unicode flag is set) | ͎ | 846 |
\u034f (or \u{034f} if the unicode flag is set) | ͏ | 847 |
\u0350 (or \u{0350} if the unicode flag is set) | ͐ | 848 |
\u0351 (or \u{0351} if the unicode flag is set) | ͑ | 849 |
\u0352 (or \u{0352} if the unicode flag is set) | ͒ | 850 |
\u0353 (or \u{0353} if the unicode flag is set) | ͓ | 851 |
\u0354 (or \u{0354} if the unicode flag is set) | ͔ | 852 |
\u0355 (or \u{0355} if the unicode flag is set) | ͕ | 853 |
\u0356 (or \u{0356} if the unicode flag is set) | ͖ | 854 |
\u0357 (or \u{0357} if the unicode flag is set) | ͗ | 855 |
\u0358 (or \u{0358} if the unicode flag is set) | ͘ | 856 |
\u0359 (or \u{0359} if the unicode flag is set) | ͙ | 857 |
\u035a (or \u{035a} if the unicode flag is set) | ͚ | 858 |
\u035b (or \u{035b} if the unicode flag is set) | ͛ | 859 |
\u035c (or \u{035c} if the unicode flag is set) | ͜ | 860 |
\u035d (or \u{035d} if the unicode flag is set) | ͝ | 861 |
\u035e (or \u{035e} if the unicode flag is set) | ͞ | 862 |
\u035f (or \u{035f} if the unicode flag is set) | ͟ | 863 |
\u0360 (or \u{0360} if the unicode flag is set) | ͠ | 864 |
\u0361 (or \u{0361} if the unicode flag is set) | ͡ | 865 |
\u0362 (or \u{0362} if the unicode flag is set) | ͢ | 866 |
\u0363 (or \u{0363} if the unicode flag is set) | ͣ | 867 |
\u0364 (or \u{0364} if the unicode flag is set) | ͤ | 868 |
\u0365 (or \u{0365} if the unicode flag is set) | ͥ | 869 |
\u0366 (or \u{0366} if the unicode flag is set) | ͦ | 870 |
\u0367 (or \u{0367} if the unicode flag is set) | ͧ | 871 |
\u0368 (or \u{0368} if the unicode flag is set) | ͨ | 872 |
\u0369 (or \u{0369} if the unicode flag is set) | ͩ | 873 |
\u036a (or \u{036a} if the unicode flag is set) | ͪ | 874 |
\u036b (or \u{036b} if the unicode flag is set) | ͫ | 875 |
\u036c (or \u{036c} if the unicode flag is set) | ͬ | 876 |
\u036d (or \u{036d} if the unicode flag is set) | ͭ | 877 |
\u036e (or \u{036e} if the unicode flag is set) | ͮ | 878 |
\u036f (or \u{036f} if the unicode flag is set) | ͯ | 879 |
\u0370 (or \u{0370} if the unicode flag is set) | Ͱ | 880 |
\u0371 (or \u{0371} if the unicode flag is set) | ͱ | 881 |
\u0372 (or \u{0372} if the unicode flag is set) | Ͳ | 882 |
\u0373 (or \u{0373} if the unicode flag is set) | ͳ | 883 |
\u0374 (or \u{0374} if the unicode flag is set) | ʹ | 884 |
\u0375 (or \u{0375} if the unicode flag is set) | ͵ | 885 |
\u0376 (or \u{0376} if the unicode flag is set) | Ͷ | 886 |
\u0377 (or \u{0377} if the unicode flag is set) | ͷ | 887 |
\u0378 (or \u{0378} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 888 |
\u0379 (or \u{0379} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 889 |
\u037a (or \u{037a} if the unicode flag is set) | ͺ | 890 |
\u037b (or \u{037b} if the unicode flag is set) | ͻ | 891 |
\u037c (or \u{037c} if the unicode flag is set) | ͼ | 892 |
\u037d (or \u{037d} if the unicode flag is set) | ͽ | 893 |
\u037e (or \u{037e} if the unicode flag is set) | ; | 894 |
\u037f (or \u{037f} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϳ | 895 |
\u0380 (or \u{0380} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 896 |
\u0381 (or \u{0381} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 897 |
\u0382 (or \u{0382} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 898 |
\u0383 (or \u{0383} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 899 |
\u0384 (or \u{0384} if the unicode flag is set) | ΄ | 900 |
\u0385 (or \u{0385} if the unicode flag is set) | ΅ | 901 |
\u0386 (or \u{0386} if the unicode flag is set) | Ά | 902 |
\u0387 (or \u{0387} if the unicode flag is set) | · | 903 |
\u0388 (or \u{0388} if the unicode flag is set) | Έ | 904 |
\u0389 (or \u{0389} if the unicode flag is set) | Ή | 905 |
\u038a (or \u{038a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ί | 906 |
\u038b (or \u{038b} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 907 |
\u038c (or \u{038c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ό | 908 |
\u038d (or \u{038d} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 909 |
\u038e (or \u{038e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ύ | 910 |
\u038f (or \u{038f} if the unicode flag is set) | Ώ | 911 |
\u0390 (or \u{0390} if the unicode flag is set) | ΐ | 912 |
\u0391 (or \u{0391} if the unicode flag is set) | Α | 913 |
\u0392 (or \u{0392} if the unicode flag is set) | Β | 914 |
\u0393 (or \u{0393} if the unicode flag is set) | Γ | 915 |
\u0394 (or \u{0394} if the unicode flag is set) | Δ | 916 |
\u0395 (or \u{0395} if the unicode flag is set) | Ε | 917 |
\u0396 (or \u{0396} if the unicode flag is set) | Ζ | 918 |
\u0397 (or \u{0397} if the unicode flag is set) | Η | 919 |
\u0398 (or \u{0398} if the unicode flag is set) | Θ | 920 |
\u0399 (or \u{0399} if the unicode flag is set) | Ι | 921 |
\u039a (or \u{039a} if the unicode flag is set) | Κ | 922 |
\u039b (or \u{039b} if the unicode flag is set) | Λ | 923 |
\u039c (or \u{039c} if the unicode flag is set) | Μ | 924 |
\u039d (or \u{039d} if the unicode flag is set) | Ν | 925 |
\u039e (or \u{039e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ξ | 926 |
\u039f (or \u{039f} if the unicode flag is set) | Ο | 927 |
\u03a0 (or \u{03a0} if the unicode flag is set) | Π | 928 |
\u03a1 (or \u{03a1} if the unicode flag is set) | Ρ | 929 |
\u03a2 (or \u{03a2} if the unicode flag is set) | seems to be unassigned | 930 |
\u03a3 (or \u{03a3} if the unicode flag is set) | Σ | 931 |
\u03a4 (or \u{03a4} if the unicode flag is set) | Τ | 932 |
\u03a5 (or \u{03a5} if the unicode flag is set) | Υ | 933 |
\u03a6 (or \u{03a6} if the unicode flag is set) | Φ | 934 |
\u03a7 (or \u{03a7} if the unicode flag is set) | Χ | 935 |
\u03a8 (or \u{03a8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ψ | 936 |
\u03a9 (or \u{03a9} if the unicode flag is set) | Ω | 937 |
\u03aa (or \u{03aa} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϊ | 938 |
\u03ab (or \u{03ab} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϋ | 939 |
\u03ac (or \u{03ac} if the unicode flag is set) | ά | 940 |
\u03ad (or \u{03ad} if the unicode flag is set) | έ | 941 |
\u03ae (or \u{03ae} if the unicode flag is set) | ή | 942 |
\u03af (or \u{03af} if the unicode flag is set) | ί | 943 |
\u03b0 (or \u{03b0} if the unicode flag is set) | ΰ | 944 |
\u03b1 (or \u{03b1} if the unicode flag is set) | α | 945 |
\u03b2 (or \u{03b2} if the unicode flag is set) | β | 946 |
\u03b3 (or \u{03b3} if the unicode flag is set) | γ | 947 |
\u03b4 (or \u{03b4} if the unicode flag is set) | δ | 948 |
\u03b5 (or \u{03b5} if the unicode flag is set) | ε | 949 |
\u03b6 (or \u{03b6} if the unicode flag is set) | ζ | 950 |
\u03b7 (or \u{03b7} if the unicode flag is set) | η | 951 |
\u03b8 (or \u{03b8} if the unicode flag is set) | θ | 952 |
\u03b9 (or \u{03b9} if the unicode flag is set) | ι | 953 |
\u03ba (or \u{03ba} if the unicode flag is set) | κ | 954 |
\u03bb (or \u{03bb} if the unicode flag is set) | λ | 955 |
\u03bc (or \u{03bc} if the unicode flag is set) | μ | 956 |
\u03bd (or \u{03bd} if the unicode flag is set) | ν | 957 |
\u03be (or \u{03be} if the unicode flag is set) | ξ | 958 |
\u03bf (or \u{03bf} if the unicode flag is set) | ο | 959 |
\u03c0 (or \u{03c0} if the unicode flag is set) | π | 960 |
\u03c1 (or \u{03c1} if the unicode flag is set) | ρ | 961 |
\u03c2 (or \u{03c2} if the unicode flag is set) | ς | 962 |
\u03c3 (or \u{03c3} if the unicode flag is set) | σ | 963 |
\u03c4 (or \u{03c4} if the unicode flag is set) | τ | 964 |
\u03c5 (or \u{03c5} if the unicode flag is set) | υ | 965 |
\u03c6 (or \u{03c6} if the unicode flag is set) | φ | 966 |
\u03c7 (or \u{03c7} if the unicode flag is set) | χ | 967 |
\u03c8 (or \u{03c8} if the unicode flag is set) | ψ | 968 |
\u03c9 (or \u{03c9} if the unicode flag is set) | ω | 969 |
\u03ca (or \u{03ca} if the unicode flag is set) | ϊ | 970 |
\u03cb (or \u{03cb} if the unicode flag is set) | ϋ | 971 |
\u03cc (or \u{03cc} if the unicode flag is set) | ό | 972 |
\u03cd (or \u{03cd} if the unicode flag is set) | ύ | 973 |
\u03ce (or \u{03ce} if the unicode flag is set) | ώ | 974 |
\u03cf (or \u{03cf} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϗ | 975 |
\u03d0 (or \u{03d0} if the unicode flag is set) | ϐ | 976 |
\u03d1 (or \u{03d1} if the unicode flag is set) | ϑ | 977 |
\u03d2 (or \u{03d2} if the unicode flag is set) | ϒ | 978 |
\u03d3 (or \u{03d3} if the unicode flag is set) | ϓ | 979 |
\u03d4 (or \u{03d4} if the unicode flag is set) | ϔ | 980 |
\u03d5 (or \u{03d5} if the unicode flag is set) | ϕ | 981 |
\u03d6 (or \u{03d6} if the unicode flag is set) | ϖ | 982 |
\u03d7 (or \u{03d7} if the unicode flag is set) | ϗ | 983 |
\u03d8 (or \u{03d8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϙ | 984 |
\u03d9 (or \u{03d9} if the unicode flag is set) | ϙ | 985 |
\u03da (or \u{03da} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϛ | 986 |
\u03db (or \u{03db} if the unicode flag is set) | ϛ | 987 |
\u03dc (or \u{03dc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϝ | 988 |
\u03dd (or \u{03dd} if the unicode flag is set) | ϝ | 989 |
\u03de (or \u{03de} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϟ | 990 |
\u03df (or \u{03df} if the unicode flag is set) | ϟ | 991 |
\u03e0 (or \u{03e0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϡ | 992 |
\u03e1 (or \u{03e1} if the unicode flag is set) | ϡ | 993 |
\u03e2 (or \u{03e2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϣ | 994 |
\u03e3 (or \u{03e3} if the unicode flag is set) | ϣ | 995 |
\u03e4 (or \u{03e4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϥ | 996 |
\u03e5 (or \u{03e5} if the unicode flag is set) | ϥ | 997 |
\u03e6 (or \u{03e6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϧ | 998 |
\u03e7 (or \u{03e7} if the unicode flag is set) | ϧ | 999 |
\u03e8 (or \u{03e8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϩ | 1000 |
\u03e9 (or \u{03e9} if the unicode flag is set) | ϩ | 1001 |
\u03ea (or \u{03ea} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϫ | 1002 |
\u03eb (or \u{03eb} if the unicode flag is set) | ϫ | 1003 |
\u03ec (or \u{03ec} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϭ | 1004 |
\u03ed (or \u{03ed} if the unicode flag is set) | ϭ | 1005 |
\u03ee (or \u{03ee} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϯ | 1006 |
\u03ef (or \u{03ef} if the unicode flag is set) | ϯ | 1007 |
\u03f0 (or \u{03f0} if the unicode flag is set) | ϰ | 1008 |
\u03f1 (or \u{03f1} if the unicode flag is set) | ϱ | 1009 |
\u03f2 (or \u{03f2} if the unicode flag is set) | ϲ | 1010 |
\u03f3 (or \u{03f3} if the unicode flag is set) | ϳ | 1011 |
\u03f4 (or \u{03f4} if the unicode flag is set) | ϴ | 1012 |
\u03f5 (or \u{03f5} if the unicode flag is set) | ϵ | 1013 |
\u03f6 (or \u{03f6} if the unicode flag is set) | ϶ | 1014 |
\u03f7 (or \u{03f7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϸ | 1015 |
\u03f8 (or \u{03f8} if the unicode flag is set) | ϸ | 1016 |
\u03f9 (or \u{03f9} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϲ | 1017 |
\u03fa (or \u{03fa} if the unicode flag is set) | Ϻ | 1018 |
\u03fb (or \u{03fb} if the unicode flag is set) | ϻ | 1019 |
\u03fc (or \u{03fc} if the unicode flag is set) | ϼ | 1020 |
\u03fd (or \u{03fd} if the unicode flag is set) | Ͻ | 1021 |
\u03fe (or \u{03fe} if the unicode flag is set) | Ͼ | 1022 |
\u03ff (or \u{03ff} if the unicode flag is set) | Ͽ | 1023 |
\u0400 (or \u{0400} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѐ | 1024 |
\u0401 (or \u{0401} if the unicode flag is set) | Ё | 1025 |
\u0402 (or \u{0402} if the unicode flag is set) | Ђ | 1026 |
\u0403 (or \u{0403} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѓ | 1027 |
\u0404 (or \u{0404} if the unicode flag is set) | Є | 1028 |
\u0405 (or \u{0405} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѕ | 1029 |
\u0406 (or \u{0406} if the unicode flag is set) | І | 1030 |
\u0407 (or \u{0407} if the unicode flag is set) | Ї | 1031 |
\u0408 (or \u{0408} if the unicode flag is set) | Ј | 1032 |
\u0409 (or \u{0409} if the unicode flag is set) | Љ | 1033 |
\u040a (or \u{040a} if the unicode flag is set) | Њ | 1034 |
\u040b (or \u{040b} if the unicode flag is set) | Ћ | 1035 |
\u040c (or \u{040c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ќ | 1036 |
\u040d (or \u{040d} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѝ | 1037 |
\u040e (or \u{040e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ў | 1038 |
\u040f (or \u{040f} if the unicode flag is set) | Џ | 1039 |
\u0410 (or \u{0410} if the unicode flag is set) | А | 1040 |
\u0411 (or \u{0411} if the unicode flag is set) | Б | 1041 |
\u0412 (or \u{0412} if the unicode flag is set) | В | 1042 |
\u0413 (or \u{0413} if the unicode flag is set) | Г | 1043 |
\u0414 (or \u{0414} if the unicode flag is set) | Д | 1044 |
\u0415 (or \u{0415} if the unicode flag is set) | Е | 1045 |
\u0416 (or \u{0416} if the unicode flag is set) | Ж | 1046 |
\u0417 (or \u{0417} if the unicode flag is set) | З | 1047 |
\u0418 (or \u{0418} if the unicode flag is set) | И | 1048 |
\u0419 (or \u{0419} if the unicode flag is set) | Й | 1049 |
\u041a (or \u{041a} if the unicode flag is set) | К | 1050 |
\u041b (or \u{041b} if the unicode flag is set) | Л | 1051 |
\u041c (or \u{041c} if the unicode flag is set) | М | 1052 |
\u041d (or \u{041d} if the unicode flag is set) | Н | 1053 |
\u041e (or \u{041e} if the unicode flag is set) | О | 1054 |
\u041f (or \u{041f} if the unicode flag is set) | П | 1055 |
\u0420 (or \u{0420} if the unicode flag is set) | Р | 1056 |
\u0421 (or \u{0421} if the unicode flag is set) | С | 1057 |
\u0422 (or \u{0422} if the unicode flag is set) | Т | 1058 |
\u0423 (or \u{0423} if the unicode flag is set) | У | 1059 |
\u0424 (or \u{0424} if the unicode flag is set) | Ф | 1060 |
\u0425 (or \u{0425} if the unicode flag is set) | Х | 1061 |
\u0426 (or \u{0426} if the unicode flag is set) | Ц | 1062 |
\u0427 (or \u{0427} if the unicode flag is set) | Ч | 1063 |
\u0428 (or \u{0428} if the unicode flag is set) | Ш | 1064 |
\u0429 (or \u{0429} if the unicode flag is set) | Щ | 1065 |
\u042a (or \u{042a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ъ | 1066 |
\u042b (or \u{042b} if the unicode flag is set) | Ы | 1067 |
\u042c (or \u{042c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ь | 1068 |
\u042d (or \u{042d} if the unicode flag is set) | Э | 1069 |
\u042e (or \u{042e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ю | 1070 |
\u042f (or \u{042f} if the unicode flag is set) | Я | 1071 |
\u0430 (or \u{0430} if the unicode flag is set) | а | 1072 |
\u0431 (or \u{0431} if the unicode flag is set) | б | 1073 |
\u0432 (or \u{0432} if the unicode flag is set) | в | 1074 |
\u0433 (or \u{0433} if the unicode flag is set) | г | 1075 |
\u0434 (or \u{0434} if the unicode flag is set) | д | 1076 |
\u0435 (or \u{0435} if the unicode flag is set) | е | 1077 |
\u0436 (or \u{0436} if the unicode flag is set) | ж | 1078 |
\u0437 (or \u{0437} if the unicode flag is set) | з | 1079 |
\u0438 (or \u{0438} if the unicode flag is set) | и | 1080 |
\u0439 (or \u{0439} if the unicode flag is set) | й | 1081 |
\u043a (or \u{043a} if the unicode flag is set) | к | 1082 |
\u043b (or \u{043b} if the unicode flag is set) | л | 1083 |
\u043c (or \u{043c} if the unicode flag is set) | м | 1084 |
\u043d (or \u{043d} if the unicode flag is set) | н | 1085 |
\u043e (or \u{043e} if the unicode flag is set) | о | 1086 |
\u043f (or \u{043f} if the unicode flag is set) | п | 1087 |
\u0440 (or \u{0440} if the unicode flag is set) | р | 1088 |
\u0441 (or \u{0441} if the unicode flag is set) | с | 1089 |
\u0442 (or \u{0442} if the unicode flag is set) | т | 1090 |
\u0443 (or \u{0443} if the unicode flag is set) | у | 1091 |
\u0444 (or \u{0444} if the unicode flag is set) | ф | 1092 |
\u0445 (or \u{0445} if the unicode flag is set) | х | 1093 |
\u0446 (or \u{0446} if the unicode flag is set) | ц | 1094 |
\u0447 (or \u{0447} if the unicode flag is set) | ч | 1095 |
\u0448 (or \u{0448} if the unicode flag is set) | ш | 1096 |
\u0449 (or \u{0449} if the unicode flag is set) | щ | 1097 |
\u044a (or \u{044a} if the unicode flag is set) | ъ | 1098 |
\u044b (or \u{044b} if the unicode flag is set) | ы | 1099 |
\u044c (or \u{044c} if the unicode flag is set) | ь | 1100 |
\u044d (or \u{044d} if the unicode flag is set) | э | 1101 |
\u044e (or \u{044e} if the unicode flag is set) | ю | 1102 |
\u044f (or \u{044f} if the unicode flag is set) | я | 1103 |
\u0450 (or \u{0450} if the unicode flag is set) | ѐ | 1104 |
\u0451 (or \u{0451} if the unicode flag is set) | ё | 1105 |
\u0452 (or \u{0452} if the unicode flag is set) | ђ | 1106 |
\u0453 (or \u{0453} if the unicode flag is set) | ѓ | 1107 |
\u0454 (or \u{0454} if the unicode flag is set) | є | 1108 |
\u0455 (or \u{0455} if the unicode flag is set) | ѕ | 1109 |
\u0456 (or \u{0456} if the unicode flag is set) | і | 1110 |
\u0457 (or \u{0457} if the unicode flag is set) | ї | 1111 |
\u0458 (or \u{0458} if the unicode flag is set) | ј | 1112 |
\u0459 (or \u{0459} if the unicode flag is set) | љ | 1113 |
\u045a (or \u{045a} if the unicode flag is set) | њ | 1114 |
\u045b (or \u{045b} if the unicode flag is set) | ћ | 1115 |
\u045c (or \u{045c} if the unicode flag is set) | ќ | 1116 |
\u045d (or \u{045d} if the unicode flag is set) | ѝ | 1117 |
\u045e (or \u{045e} if the unicode flag is set) | ў | 1118 |
\u045f (or \u{045f} if the unicode flag is set) | џ | 1119 |
\u0460 (or \u{0460} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѡ | 1120 |
\u0461 (or \u{0461} if the unicode flag is set) | ѡ | 1121 |
\u0462 (or \u{0462} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѣ | 1122 |
\u0463 (or \u{0463} if the unicode flag is set) | ѣ | 1123 |
\u0464 (or \u{0464} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѥ | 1124 |
\u0465 (or \u{0465} if the unicode flag is set) | ѥ | 1125 |
\u0466 (or \u{0466} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѧ | 1126 |
\u0467 (or \u{0467} if the unicode flag is set) | ѧ | 1127 |
\u0468 (or \u{0468} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѩ | 1128 |
\u0469 (or \u{0469} if the unicode flag is set) | ѩ | 1129 |
\u046a (or \u{046a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѫ | 1130 |
\u046b (or \u{046b} if the unicode flag is set) | ѫ | 1131 |
\u046c (or \u{046c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѭ | 1132 |
\u046d (or \u{046d} if the unicode flag is set) | ѭ | 1133 |
\u046e (or \u{046e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѯ | 1134 |
\u046f (or \u{046f} if the unicode flag is set) | ѯ | 1135 |
\u0470 (or \u{0470} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѱ | 1136 |
\u0471 (or \u{0471} if the unicode flag is set) | ѱ | 1137 |
\u0472 (or \u{0472} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѳ | 1138 |
\u0473 (or \u{0473} if the unicode flag is set) | ѳ | 1139 |
\u0474 (or \u{0474} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѵ | 1140 |
\u0475 (or \u{0475} if the unicode flag is set) | ѵ | 1141 |
\u0476 (or \u{0476} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѷ | 1142 |
\u0477 (or \u{0477} if the unicode flag is set) | ѷ | 1143 |
\u0478 (or \u{0478} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѹ | 1144 |
\u0479 (or \u{0479} if the unicode flag is set) | ѹ | 1145 |
\u047a (or \u{047a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѻ | 1146 |
\u047b (or \u{047b} if the unicode flag is set) | ѻ | 1147 |
\u047c (or \u{047c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѽ | 1148 |
\u047d (or \u{047d} if the unicode flag is set) | ѽ | 1149 |
\u047e (or \u{047e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ѿ | 1150 |
\u047f (or \u{047f} if the unicode flag is set) | ѿ | 1151 |
\u0480 (or \u{0480} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҁ | 1152 |
\u0481 (or \u{0481} if the unicode flag is set) | ҁ | 1153 |
\u0482 (or \u{0482} if the unicode flag is set) | ҂ | 1154 |
\u0483 (or \u{0483} if the unicode flag is set) | ҃ | 1155 |
\u0484 (or \u{0484} if the unicode flag is set) | ҄ | 1156 |
\u0485 (or \u{0485} if the unicode flag is set) | ҅ | 1157 |
\u0486 (or \u{0486} if the unicode flag is set) | ҆ | 1158 |
\u0487 (or \u{0487} if the unicode flag is set) | ҇ | 1159 |
\u0488 (or \u{0488} if the unicode flag is set) | ҈ | 1160 |
\u0489 (or \u{0489} if the unicode flag is set) | ҉ | 1161 |
\u048a (or \u{048a} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҋ | 1162 |
\u048b (or \u{048b} if the unicode flag is set) | ҋ | 1163 |
\u048c (or \u{048c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҍ | 1164 |
\u048d (or \u{048d} if the unicode flag is set) | ҍ | 1165 |
\u048e (or \u{048e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҏ | 1166 |
\u048f (or \u{048f} if the unicode flag is set) | ҏ | 1167 |
\u0490 (or \u{0490} if the unicode flag is set) | Ґ | 1168 |
\u0491 (or \u{0491} if the unicode flag is set) | ґ | 1169 |
\u0492 (or \u{0492} if the unicode flag is set) | Ғ | 1170 |
\u0493 (or \u{0493} if the unicode flag is set) | ғ | 1171 |
\u0494 (or \u{0494} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҕ | 1172 |
\u0495 (or \u{0495} if the unicode flag is set) | ҕ | 1173 |
\u0496 (or \u{0496} if the unicode flag is set) | Җ | 1174 |
\u0497 (or \u{0497} if the unicode flag is set) | җ | 1175 |
\u0498 (or \u{0498} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҙ | 1176 |
\u0499 (or \u{0499} if the unicode flag is set) | ҙ | 1177 |
\u049a (or \u{049a} if the unicode flag is set) | Қ | 1178 |
\u049b (or \u{049b} if the unicode flag is set) | қ | 1179 |
\u049c (or \u{049c} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҝ | 1180 |
\u049d (or \u{049d} if the unicode flag is set) | ҝ | 1181 |
\u049e (or \u{049e} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҟ | 1182 |
\u049f (or \u{049f} if the unicode flag is set) | ҟ | 1183 |
\u04a0 (or \u{04a0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҡ | 1184 |
\u04a1 (or \u{04a1} if the unicode flag is set) | ҡ | 1185 |
\u04a2 (or \u{04a2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ң | 1186 |
\u04a3 (or \u{04a3} if the unicode flag is set) | ң | 1187 |
\u04a4 (or \u{04a4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҥ | 1188 |
\u04a5 (or \u{04a5} if the unicode flag is set) | ҥ | 1189 |
\u04a6 (or \u{04a6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҧ | 1190 |
\u04a7 (or \u{04a7} if the unicode flag is set) | ҧ | 1191 |
\u04a8 (or \u{04a8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҩ | 1192 |
\u04a9 (or \u{04a9} if the unicode flag is set) | ҩ | 1193 |
\u04aa (or \u{04aa} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҫ | 1194 |
\u04ab (or \u{04ab} if the unicode flag is set) | ҫ | 1195 |
\u04ac (or \u{04ac} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҭ | 1196 |
\u04ad (or \u{04ad} if the unicode flag is set) | ҭ | 1197 |
\u04ae (or \u{04ae} if the unicode flag is set) | Ү | 1198 |
\u04af (or \u{04af} if the unicode flag is set) | ү | 1199 |
\u04b0 (or \u{04b0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ұ | 1200 |
\u04b1 (or \u{04b1} if the unicode flag is set) | ұ | 1201 |
\u04b2 (or \u{04b2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҳ | 1202 |
\u04b3 (or \u{04b3} if the unicode flag is set) | ҳ | 1203 |
\u04b4 (or \u{04b4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҵ | 1204 |
\u04b5 (or \u{04b5} if the unicode flag is set) | ҵ | 1205 |
\u04b6 (or \u{04b6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҷ | 1206 |
\u04b7 (or \u{04b7} if the unicode flag is set) | ҷ | 1207 |
\u04b8 (or \u{04b8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҹ | 1208 |
\u04b9 (or \u{04b9} if the unicode flag is set) | ҹ | 1209 |
\u04ba (or \u{04ba} if the unicode flag is set) | Һ | 1210 |
\u04bb (or \u{04bb} if the unicode flag is set) | һ | 1211 |
\u04bc (or \u{04bc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҽ | 1212 |
\u04bd (or \u{04bd} if the unicode flag is set) | ҽ | 1213 |
\u04be (or \u{04be} if the unicode flag is set) | Ҿ | 1214 |
\u04bf (or \u{04bf} if the unicode flag is set) | ҿ | 1215 |
\u04c0 (or \u{04c0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӏ | 1216 |
\u04c1 (or \u{04c1} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӂ | 1217 |
\u04c2 (or \u{04c2} if the unicode flag is set) | ӂ | 1218 |
\u04c3 (or \u{04c3} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӄ | 1219 |
\u04c4 (or \u{04c4} if the unicode flag is set) | ӄ | 1220 |
\u04c5 (or \u{04c5} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӆ | 1221 |
\u04c6 (or \u{04c6} if the unicode flag is set) | ӆ | 1222 |
\u04c7 (or \u{04c7} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӈ | 1223 |
\u04c8 (or \u{04c8} if the unicode flag is set) | ӈ | 1224 |
\u04c9 (or \u{04c9} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӊ | 1225 |
\u04ca (or \u{04ca} if the unicode flag is set) | ӊ | 1226 |
\u04cb (or \u{04cb} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӌ | 1227 |
\u04cc (or \u{04cc} if the unicode flag is set) | ӌ | 1228 |
\u04cd (or \u{04cd} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӎ | 1229 |
\u04ce (or \u{04ce} if the unicode flag is set) | ӎ | 1230 |
\u04cf (or \u{04cf} if the unicode flag is set) | ӏ | 1231 |
\u04d0 (or \u{04d0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӑ | 1232 |
\u04d1 (or \u{04d1} if the unicode flag is set) | ӑ | 1233 |
\u04d2 (or \u{04d2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӓ | 1234 |
\u04d3 (or \u{04d3} if the unicode flag is set) | ӓ | 1235 |
\u04d4 (or \u{04d4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӕ | 1236 |
\u04d5 (or \u{04d5} if the unicode flag is set) | ӕ | 1237 |
\u04d6 (or \u{04d6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӗ | 1238 |
\u04d7 (or \u{04d7} if the unicode flag is set) | ӗ | 1239 |
\u04d8 (or \u{04d8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ә | 1240 |
\u04d9 (or \u{04d9} if the unicode flag is set) | ә | 1241 |
\u04da (or \u{04da} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӛ | 1242 |
\u04db (or \u{04db} if the unicode flag is set) | ӛ | 1243 |
\u04dc (or \u{04dc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӝ | 1244 |
\u04dd (or \u{04dd} if the unicode flag is set) | ӝ | 1245 |
\u04de (or \u{04de} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӟ | 1246 |
\u04df (or \u{04df} if the unicode flag is set) | ӟ | 1247 |
\u04e0 (or \u{04e0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӡ | 1248 |
\u04e1 (or \u{04e1} if the unicode flag is set) | ӡ | 1249 |
\u04e2 (or \u{04e2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӣ | 1250 |
\u04e3 (or \u{04e3} if the unicode flag is set) | ӣ | 1251 |
\u04e4 (or \u{04e4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӥ | 1252 |
\u04e5 (or \u{04e5} if the unicode flag is set) | ӥ | 1253 |
\u04e6 (or \u{04e6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӧ | 1254 |
\u04e7 (or \u{04e7} if the unicode flag is set) | ӧ | 1255 |
\u04e8 (or \u{04e8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ө | 1256 |
\u04e9 (or \u{04e9} if the unicode flag is set) | ө | 1257 |
\u04ea (or \u{04ea} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӫ | 1258 |
\u04eb (or \u{04eb} if the unicode flag is set) | ӫ | 1259 |
\u04ec (or \u{04ec} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӭ | 1260 |
\u04ed (or \u{04ed} if the unicode flag is set) | ӭ | 1261 |
\u04ee (or \u{04ee} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӯ | 1262 |
\u04ef (or \u{04ef} if the unicode flag is set) | ӯ | 1263 |
\u04f0 (or \u{04f0} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӱ | 1264 |
\u04f1 (or \u{04f1} if the unicode flag is set) | ӱ | 1265 |
\u04f2 (or \u{04f2} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӳ | 1266 |
\u04f3 (or \u{04f3} if the unicode flag is set) | ӳ | 1267 |
\u04f4 (or \u{04f4} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӵ | 1268 |
\u04f5 (or \u{04f5} if the unicode flag is set) | ӵ | 1269 |
\u04f6 (or \u{04f6} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӷ | 1270 |
\u04f7 (or \u{04f7} if the unicode flag is set) | ӷ | 1271 |
\u04f8 (or \u{04f8} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӹ | 1272 |
\u04f9 (or \u{04f9} if the unicode flag is set) | ӹ | 1273 |
\u04fa (or \u{04fa} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӻ | 1274 |
\u04fb (or \u{04fb} if the unicode flag is set) | ӻ | 1275 |
\u04fc (or \u{04fc} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӽ | 1276 |
\u04fd (or \u{04fd} if the unicode flag is set) | ӽ | 1277 |
\u04fe (or \u{04fe} if the unicode flag is set) | Ӿ | 1278 |
\u04ff (or \u{04ff} if the unicode flag is set) | ӿ | 1279 |