Your Go-To Regular Expression Reference: Unicode Part II

\u0500 to \u0a00

Unicode CharacterMatchesChar Code
\u0500 (or \u{0500} if the unicode flag is set)Ԁ1280
\u0501 (or \u{0501} if the unicode flag is set)ԁ1281
\u0502 (or \u{0502} if the unicode flag is set)Ԃ1282
\u0503 (or \u{0503} if the unicode flag is set)ԃ1283
\u0504 (or \u{0504} if the unicode flag is set)Ԅ1284
\u0505 (or \u{0505} if the unicode flag is set)ԅ1285
\u0506 (or \u{0506} if the unicode flag is set)Ԇ1286
\u0507 (or \u{0507} if the unicode flag is set)ԇ1287
\u0508 (or \u{0508} if the unicode flag is set)Ԉ1288
\u0509 (or \u{0509} if the unicode flag is set)ԉ1289
\u050a (or \u{050a} if the unicode flag is set)Ԋ1290
\u050b (or \u{050b} if the unicode flag is set)ԋ1291
\u050c (or \u{050c} if the unicode flag is set)Ԍ1292
\u050d (or \u{050d} if the unicode flag is set)ԍ1293
\u050e (or \u{050e} if the unicode flag is set)Ԏ1294
\u050f (or \u{050f} if the unicode flag is set)ԏ1295
\u0510 (or \u{0510} if the unicode flag is set)Ԑ1296
\u0511 (or \u{0511} if the unicode flag is set)ԑ1297
\u0512 (or \u{0512} if the unicode flag is set)Ԓ1298
\u0513 (or \u{0513} if the unicode flag is set)ԓ1299
\u0514 (or \u{0514} if the unicode flag is set)Ԕ1300
\u0515 (or \u{0515} if the unicode flag is set)ԕ1301
\u0516 (or \u{0516} if the unicode flag is set)Ԗ1302
\u0517 (or \u{0517} if the unicode flag is set)ԗ1303
\u0518 (or \u{0518} if the unicode flag is set)Ԙ1304
\u0519 (or \u{0519} if the unicode flag is set)ԙ1305
\u051a (or \u{051a} if the unicode flag is set)Ԛ1306
\u051b (or \u{051b} if the unicode flag is set)ԛ1307
\u051c (or \u{051c} if the unicode flag is set)Ԝ1308
\u051d (or \u{051d} if the unicode flag is set)ԝ1309
\u051e (or \u{051e} if the unicode flag is set)Ԟ1310
\u051f (or \u{051f} if the unicode flag is set)ԟ1311
\u0520 (or \u{0520} if the unicode flag is set)Ԡ1312
\u0521 (or \u{0521} if the unicode flag is set)ԡ1313
\u0522 (or \u{0522} if the unicode flag is set)Ԣ1314
\u0523 (or \u{0523} if the unicode flag is set)ԣ1315
\u0524 (or \u{0524} if the unicode flag is set)Ԥ1316
\u0525 (or \u{0525} if the unicode flag is set)ԥ1317
\u0526 (or \u{0526} if the unicode flag is set)Ԧ1318
\u0527 (or \u{0527} if the unicode flag is set)ԧ1319
\u0528 (or \u{0528} if the unicode flag is set)Ԩ1320
\u0529 (or \u{0529} if the unicode flag is set)ԩ1321
\u052a (or \u{052a} if the unicode flag is set)Ԫ1322
\u052b (or \u{052b} if the unicode flag is set)ԫ1323
\u052c (or \u{052c} if the unicode flag is set)Ԭ1324
\u052d (or \u{052d} if the unicode flag is set)ԭ1325
\u052e (or \u{052e} if the unicode flag is set)Ԯ1326
\u052f (or \u{052f} if the unicode flag is set)ԯ1327
\u0530 (or \u{0530} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1328
\u0531 (or \u{0531} if the unicode flag is set)Ա1329
\u0532 (or \u{0532} if the unicode flag is set)Բ1330
\u0533 (or \u{0533} if the unicode flag is set)Գ1331
\u0534 (or \u{0534} if the unicode flag is set)Դ1332
\u0535 (or \u{0535} if the unicode flag is set)Ե1333
\u0536 (or \u{0536} if the unicode flag is set)Զ1334
\u0537 (or \u{0537} if the unicode flag is set)Է1335
\u0538 (or \u{0538} if the unicode flag is set)Ը1336
\u0539 (or \u{0539} if the unicode flag is set)Թ1337
\u053a (or \u{053a} if the unicode flag is set)Ժ1338
\u053b (or \u{053b} if the unicode flag is set)Ի1339
\u053c (or \u{053c} if the unicode flag is set)Լ1340
\u053d (or \u{053d} if the unicode flag is set)Խ1341
\u053e (or \u{053e} if the unicode flag is set)Ծ1342
\u053f (or \u{053f} if the unicode flag is set)Կ1343
\u0540 (or \u{0540} if the unicode flag is set)Հ1344
\u0541 (or \u{0541} if the unicode flag is set)Ձ1345
\u0542 (or \u{0542} if the unicode flag is set)Ղ1346
\u0543 (or \u{0543} if the unicode flag is set)Ճ1347
\u0544 (or \u{0544} if the unicode flag is set)Մ1348
\u0545 (or \u{0545} if the unicode flag is set)Յ1349
\u0546 (or \u{0546} if the unicode flag is set)Ն1350
\u0547 (or \u{0547} if the unicode flag is set)Շ1351
\u0548 (or \u{0548} if the unicode flag is set)Ո1352
\u0549 (or \u{0549} if the unicode flag is set)Չ1353
\u054a (or \u{054a} if the unicode flag is set)Պ1354
\u054b (or \u{054b} if the unicode flag is set)Ջ1355
\u054c (or \u{054c} if the unicode flag is set)Ռ1356
\u054d (or \u{054d} if the unicode flag is set)Ս1357
\u054e (or \u{054e} if the unicode flag is set)Վ1358
\u054f (or \u{054f} if the unicode flag is set)Տ1359
\u0550 (or \u{0550} if the unicode flag is set)Ր1360
\u0551 (or \u{0551} if the unicode flag is set)Ց1361
\u0552 (or \u{0552} if the unicode flag is set)Ւ1362
\u0553 (or \u{0553} if the unicode flag is set)Փ1363
\u0554 (or \u{0554} if the unicode flag is set)Ք1364
\u0555 (or \u{0555} if the unicode flag is set)Օ1365
\u0556 (or \u{0556} if the unicode flag is set)Ֆ1366
\u0557 (or \u{0557} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1367
\u0558 (or \u{0558} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1368
\u0559 (or \u{0559} if the unicode flag is set)ՙ1369
\u055a (or \u{055a} if the unicode flag is set)՚1370
\u055b (or \u{055b} if the unicode flag is set)՛1371
\u055c (or \u{055c} if the unicode flag is set)՜1372
\u055d (or \u{055d} if the unicode flag is set)՝1373
\u055e (or \u{055e} if the unicode flag is set)՞1374
\u055f (or \u{055f} if the unicode flag is set)՟1375
\u0560 (or \u{0560} if the unicode flag is set)ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER TURNED AYB1376
\u0561 (or \u{0561} if the unicode flag is set)ա1377
\u0562 (or \u{0562} if the unicode flag is set)բ1378
\u0563 (or \u{0563} if the unicode flag is set)գ1379
\u0564 (or \u{0564} if the unicode flag is set)դ1380
\u0565 (or \u{0565} if the unicode flag is set)ե1381
\u0566 (or \u{0566} if the unicode flag is set)զ1382
\u0567 (or \u{0567} if the unicode flag is set)է1383
\u0568 (or \u{0568} if the unicode flag is set)ը1384
\u0569 (or \u{0569} if the unicode flag is set)թ1385
\u056a (or \u{056a} if the unicode flag is set)ժ1386
\u056b (or \u{056b} if the unicode flag is set)ի1387
\u056c (or \u{056c} if the unicode flag is set)լ1388
\u056d (or \u{056d} if the unicode flag is set)խ1389
\u056e (or \u{056e} if the unicode flag is set)ծ1390
\u056f (or \u{056f} if the unicode flag is set)կ1391
\u0570 (or \u{0570} if the unicode flag is set)հ1392
\u0571 (or \u{0571} if the unicode flag is set)ձ1393
\u0572 (or \u{0572} if the unicode flag is set)ղ1394
\u0573 (or \u{0573} if the unicode flag is set)ճ1395
\u0574 (or \u{0574} if the unicode flag is set)մ1396
\u0575 (or \u{0575} if the unicode flag is set)յ1397
\u0576 (or \u{0576} if the unicode flag is set)ն1398
\u0577 (or \u{0577} if the unicode flag is set)շ1399
\u0578 (or \u{0578} if the unicode flag is set)ո1400
\u0579 (or \u{0579} if the unicode flag is set)չ1401
\u057a (or \u{057a} if the unicode flag is set)պ1402
\u057b (or \u{057b} if the unicode flag is set)ջ1403
\u057c (or \u{057c} if the unicode flag is set)ռ1404
\u057d (or \u{057d} if the unicode flag is set)ս1405
\u057e (or \u{057e} if the unicode flag is set)վ1406
\u057f (or \u{057f} if the unicode flag is set)տ1407
\u0580 (or \u{0580} if the unicode flag is set)ր1408
\u0581 (or \u{0581} if the unicode flag is set)ց1409
\u0582 (or \u{0582} if the unicode flag is set)ւ1410
\u0583 (or \u{0583} if the unicode flag is set)փ1411
\u0584 (or \u{0584} if the unicode flag is set)ք1412
\u0585 (or \u{0585} if the unicode flag is set)օ1413
\u0586 (or \u{0586} if the unicode flag is set)ֆ1414
\u0587 (or \u{0587} if the unicode flag is set)և1415
\u0588 (or \u{0588} if the unicode flag is set)ARMENIAN SMALL LETTER YI WITH STROKE1416
\u0589 (or \u{0589} if the unicode flag is set)։1417
\u058a (or \u{058a} if the unicode flag is set)֊1418
\u058b (or \u{058b} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1419
\u058c (or \u{058c} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1420
\u058d (or \u{058d} if the unicode flag is set)֍1421
\u058e (or \u{058e} if the unicode flag is set)֎1422
\u058f (or \u{058f} if the unicode flag is set)֏1423
\u0590 (or \u{0590} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1424
\u0591 (or \u{0591} if the unicode flag is set)֑1425
\u0592 (or \u{0592} if the unicode flag is set)֒1426
\u0593 (or \u{0593} if the unicode flag is set)֓1427
\u0594 (or \u{0594} if the unicode flag is set)֔1428
\u0595 (or \u{0595} if the unicode flag is set)֕1429
\u0596 (or \u{0596} if the unicode flag is set)֖1430
\u0597 (or \u{0597} if the unicode flag is set)֗1431
\u0598 (or \u{0598} if the unicode flag is set)֘1432
\u0599 (or \u{0599} if the unicode flag is set)֙1433
\u059a (or \u{059a} if the unicode flag is set)֚1434
\u059b (or \u{059b} if the unicode flag is set)֛1435
\u059c (or \u{059c} if the unicode flag is set)֜1436
\u059d (or \u{059d} if the unicode flag is set)֝1437
\u059e (or \u{059e} if the unicode flag is set)֞1438
\u059f (or \u{059f} if the unicode flag is set)֟1439
\u05a0 (or \u{05a0} if the unicode flag is set)֠1440
\u05a1 (or \u{05a1} if the unicode flag is set)֡1441
\u05a2 (or \u{05a2} if the unicode flag is set)֢1442
\u05a3 (or \u{05a3} if the unicode flag is set)֣1443
\u05a4 (or \u{05a4} if the unicode flag is set)֤1444
\u05a5 (or \u{05a5} if the unicode flag is set)֥1445
\u05a6 (or \u{05a6} if the unicode flag is set)֦1446
\u05a7 (or \u{05a7} if the unicode flag is set)֧1447
\u05a8 (or \u{05a8} if the unicode flag is set)֨1448
\u05a9 (or \u{05a9} if the unicode flag is set)֩1449
\u05aa (or \u{05aa} if the unicode flag is set)֪1450
\u05ab (or \u{05ab} if the unicode flag is set)֫1451
\u05ac (or \u{05ac} if the unicode flag is set)֬1452
\u05ad (or \u{05ad} if the unicode flag is set)֭1453
\u05ae (or \u{05ae} if the unicode flag is set)֮1454
\u05af (or \u{05af} if the unicode flag is set)֯1455
\u05b0 (or \u{05b0} if the unicode flag is set)ְ1456
\u05b1 (or \u{05b1} if the unicode flag is set)ֱ1457
\u05b2 (or \u{05b2} if the unicode flag is set)ֲ1458
\u05b3 (or \u{05b3} if the unicode flag is set)ֳ1459
\u05b4 (or \u{05b4} if the unicode flag is set)ִ1460
\u05b5 (or \u{05b5} if the unicode flag is set)ֵ1461
\u05b6 (or \u{05b6} if the unicode flag is set)ֶ1462
\u05b7 (or \u{05b7} if the unicode flag is set)ַ1463
\u05b8 (or \u{05b8} if the unicode flag is set)ָ1464
\u05b9 (or \u{05b9} if the unicode flag is set)ֹ1465
\u05ba (or \u{05ba} if the unicode flag is set)ֺ1466
\u05bb (or \u{05bb} if the unicode flag is set)ֻ1467
\u05bc (or \u{05bc} if the unicode flag is set)ּ1468
\u05bd (or \u{05bd} if the unicode flag is set)ֽ1469
\u05be (or \u{05be} if the unicode flag is set)־1470
\u05bf (or \u{05bf} if the unicode flag is set)ֿ1471
\u05c0 (or \u{05c0} if the unicode flag is set)׀1472
\u05c1 (or \u{05c1} if the unicode flag is set)ׁ1473
\u05c2 (or \u{05c2} if the unicode flag is set)ׂ1474
\u05c3 (or \u{05c3} if the unicode flag is set)׃1475
\u05c4 (or \u{05c4} if the unicode flag is set)ׄ1476
\u05c5 (or \u{05c5} if the unicode flag is set)ׅ1477
\u05c6 (or \u{05c6} if the unicode flag is set)׆1478
\u05c7 (or \u{05c7} if the unicode flag is set)ׇ1479
\u05c8 (or \u{05c8} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1480
\u05c9 (or \u{05c9} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1481
\u05ca (or \u{05ca} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1482
\u05cb (or \u{05cb} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1483
\u05cc (or \u{05cc} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1484
\u05cd (or \u{05cd} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1485
\u05ce (or \u{05ce} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1486
\u05cf (or \u{05cf} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1487
\u05d0 (or \u{05d0} if the unicode flag is set)א1488
\u05d1 (or \u{05d1} if the unicode flag is set)ב1489
\u05d2 (or \u{05d2} if the unicode flag is set)ג1490
\u05d3 (or \u{05d3} if the unicode flag is set)ד1491
\u05d4 (or \u{05d4} if the unicode flag is set)ה1492
\u05d5 (or \u{05d5} if the unicode flag is set)ו1493
\u05d6 (or \u{05d6} if the unicode flag is set)ז1494
\u05d7 (or \u{05d7} if the unicode flag is set)ח1495
\u05d8 (or \u{05d8} if the unicode flag is set)ט1496
\u05d9 (or \u{05d9} if the unicode flag is set)י1497
\u05da (or \u{05da} if the unicode flag is set)ך1498
\u05db (or \u{05db} if the unicode flag is set)כ1499
\u05dc (or \u{05dc} if the unicode flag is set)ל1500
\u05dd (or \u{05dd} if the unicode flag is set)ם1501
\u05de (or \u{05de} if the unicode flag is set)מ1502
\u05df (or \u{05df} if the unicode flag is set)ן1503
\u05e0 (or \u{05e0} if the unicode flag is set)נ1504
\u05e1 (or \u{05e1} if the unicode flag is set)ס1505
\u05e2 (or \u{05e2} if the unicode flag is set)ע1506
\u05e3 (or \u{05e3} if the unicode flag is set)ף1507
\u05e4 (or \u{05e4} if the unicode flag is set)פ1508
\u05e5 (or \u{05e5} if the unicode flag is set)ץ1509
\u05e6 (or \u{05e6} if the unicode flag is set)צ1510
\u05e7 (or \u{05e7} if the unicode flag is set)ק1511
\u05e8 (or \u{05e8} if the unicode flag is set)ר1512
\u05e9 (or \u{05e9} if the unicode flag is set)ש1513
\u05ea (or \u{05ea} if the unicode flag is set)ת1514
\u05eb (or \u{05eb} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1515
\u05ec (or \u{05ec} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1516
\u05ed (or \u{05ed} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1517
\u05ee (or \u{05ee} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1518
\u05ef (or \u{05ef} if the unicode flag is set)HEBREW YOD TRIANGLE1519
\u05f0 (or \u{05f0} if the unicode flag is set)װ1520
\u05f1 (or \u{05f1} if the unicode flag is set)ױ1521
\u05f2 (or \u{05f2} if the unicode flag is set)ײ1522
\u05f3 (or \u{05f3} if the unicode flag is set)׳1523
\u05f4 (or \u{05f4} if the unicode flag is set)״1524
\u05f5 (or \u{05f5} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1525
\u05f6 (or \u{05f6} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1526
\u05f7 (or \u{05f7} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1527
\u05f8 (or \u{05f8} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1528
\u05f9 (or \u{05f9} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1529
\u05fa (or \u{05fa} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1530
\u05fb (or \u{05fb} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1531
\u05fc (or \u{05fc} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1532
\u05fd (or \u{05fd} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1533
\u05fe (or \u{05fe} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1534
\u05ff (or \u{05ff} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1535
\u0600 (or \u{0600} if the unicode flag is set)؀1536
\u0601 (or \u{0601} if the unicode flag is set)؁1537
\u0602 (or \u{0602} if the unicode flag is set)؂1538
\u0603 (or \u{0603} if the unicode flag is set)؃1539
\u0604 (or \u{0604} if the unicode flag is set)؄1540
\u0605 (or \u{0605} if the unicode flag is set)؅1541
\u0606 (or \u{0606} if the unicode flag is set)؆1542
\u0607 (or \u{0607} if the unicode flag is set)؇1543
\u0608 (or \u{0608} if the unicode flag is set)؈1544
\u0609 (or \u{0609} if the unicode flag is set)؉1545
\u060a (or \u{060a} if the unicode flag is set)؊1546
\u060b (or \u{060b} if the unicode flag is set)؋1547
\u060c (or \u{060c} if the unicode flag is set)،1548
\u060d (or \u{060d} if the unicode flag is set)؍1549
\u060e (or \u{060e} if the unicode flag is set)؎1550
\u060f (or \u{060f} if the unicode flag is set)؏1551
\u0610 (or \u{0610} if the unicode flag is set)ؐ1552
\u0611 (or \u{0611} if the unicode flag is set)ؑ1553
\u0612 (or \u{0612} if the unicode flag is set)ؒ1554
\u0613 (or \u{0613} if the unicode flag is set)ؓ1555
\u0614 (or \u{0614} if the unicode flag is set)ؔ1556
\u0615 (or \u{0615} if the unicode flag is set)ؕ1557
\u0616 (or \u{0616} if the unicode flag is set)ؖ1558
\u0617 (or \u{0617} if the unicode flag is set)ؗ1559
\u0618 (or \u{0618} if the unicode flag is set)ؘ1560
\u0619 (or \u{0619} if the unicode flag is set)ؙ1561
\u061a (or \u{061a} if the unicode flag is set)ؚ1562
\u061b (or \u{061b} if the unicode flag is set)؛1563
\u061c (or \u{061c} if the unicode flag is set)؜1564
\u061d (or \u{061d} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC END OF TEXT MARK1565
\u061e (or \u{061e} if the unicode flag is set)؞1566
\u061f (or \u{061f} if the unicode flag is set)؟1567
\u0620 (or \u{0620} if the unicode flag is set)ؠ1568
\u0621 (or \u{0621} if the unicode flag is set)ء1569
\u0622 (or \u{0622} if the unicode flag is set)آ1570
\u0623 (or \u{0623} if the unicode flag is set)أ1571
\u0624 (or \u{0624} if the unicode flag is set)ؤ1572
\u0625 (or \u{0625} if the unicode flag is set)إ1573
\u0626 (or \u{0626} if the unicode flag is set)ئ1574
\u0627 (or \u{0627} if the unicode flag is set)ا1575
\u0628 (or \u{0628} if the unicode flag is set)ب1576
\u0629 (or \u{0629} if the unicode flag is set)ة1577
\u062a (or \u{062a} if the unicode flag is set)ت1578
\u062b (or \u{062b} if the unicode flag is set)ث1579
\u062c (or \u{062c} if the unicode flag is set)ج1580
\u062d (or \u{062d} if the unicode flag is set)ح1581
\u062e (or \u{062e} if the unicode flag is set)خ1582
\u062f (or \u{062f} if the unicode flag is set)د1583
\u0630 (or \u{0630} if the unicode flag is set)ذ1584
\u0631 (or \u{0631} if the unicode flag is set)ر1585
\u0632 (or \u{0632} if the unicode flag is set)ز1586
\u0633 (or \u{0633} if the unicode flag is set)س1587
\u0634 (or \u{0634} if the unicode flag is set)ش1588
\u0635 (or \u{0635} if the unicode flag is set)ص1589
\u0636 (or \u{0636} if the unicode flag is set)ض1590
\u0637 (or \u{0637} if the unicode flag is set)ط1591
\u0638 (or \u{0638} if the unicode flag is set)ظ1592
\u0639 (or \u{0639} if the unicode flag is set)ع1593
\u063a (or \u{063a} if the unicode flag is set)غ1594
\u063b (or \u{063b} if the unicode flag is set)ػ1595
\u063c (or \u{063c} if the unicode flag is set)ؼ1596
\u063d (or \u{063d} if the unicode flag is set)ؽ1597
\u063e (or \u{063e} if the unicode flag is set)ؾ1598
\u063f (or \u{063f} if the unicode flag is set)ؿ1599
\u0640 (or \u{0640} if the unicode flag is set)ـ1600
\u0641 (or \u{0641} if the unicode flag is set)ف1601
\u0642 (or \u{0642} if the unicode flag is set)ق1602
\u0643 (or \u{0643} if the unicode flag is set)ك1603
\u0644 (or \u{0644} if the unicode flag is set)ل1604
\u0645 (or \u{0645} if the unicode flag is set)م1605
\u0646 (or \u{0646} if the unicode flag is set)ن1606
\u0647 (or \u{0647} if the unicode flag is set)ه1607
\u0648 (or \u{0648} if the unicode flag is set)و1608
\u0649 (or \u{0649} if the unicode flag is set)ى1609
\u064a (or \u{064a} if the unicode flag is set)ي1610
\u064b (or \u{064b} if the unicode flag is set)ً1611
\u064c (or \u{064c} if the unicode flag is set)ٌ1612
\u064d (or \u{064d} if the unicode flag is set)ٍ1613
\u064e (or \u{064e} if the unicode flag is set)َ1614
\u064f (or \u{064f} if the unicode flag is set)ُ1615
\u0650 (or \u{0650} if the unicode flag is set)ِ1616
\u0651 (or \u{0651} if the unicode flag is set)ّ1617
\u0652 (or \u{0652} if the unicode flag is set)ْ1618
\u0653 (or \u{0653} if the unicode flag is set)ٓ1619
\u0654 (or \u{0654} if the unicode flag is set)ٔ1620
\u0655 (or \u{0655} if the unicode flag is set)ٕ1621
\u0656 (or \u{0656} if the unicode flag is set)ٖ1622
\u0657 (or \u{0657} if the unicode flag is set)ٗ1623
\u0658 (or \u{0658} if the unicode flag is set)٘1624
\u0659 (or \u{0659} if the unicode flag is set)ٙ1625
\u065a (or \u{065a} if the unicode flag is set)ٚ1626
\u065b (or \u{065b} if the unicode flag is set)ٛ1627
\u065c (or \u{065c} if the unicode flag is set)ٜ1628
\u065d (or \u{065d} if the unicode flag is set)ٝ1629
\u065e (or \u{065e} if the unicode flag is set)ٞ1630
\u065f (or \u{065f} if the unicode flag is set)ٟ1631
\u0660 (or \u{0660} if the unicode flag is set)٠1632
\u0661 (or \u{0661} if the unicode flag is set)١1633
\u0662 (or \u{0662} if the unicode flag is set)٢1634
\u0663 (or \u{0663} if the unicode flag is set)٣1635
\u0664 (or \u{0664} if the unicode flag is set)٤1636
\u0665 (or \u{0665} if the unicode flag is set)٥1637
\u0666 (or \u{0666} if the unicode flag is set)٦1638
\u0667 (or \u{0667} if the unicode flag is set)٧1639
\u0668 (or \u{0668} if the unicode flag is set)٨1640
\u0669 (or \u{0669} if the unicode flag is set)٩1641
\u066a (or \u{066a} if the unicode flag is set)٪1642
\u066b (or \u{066b} if the unicode flag is set)٫1643
\u066c (or \u{066c} if the unicode flag is set)٬1644
\u066d (or \u{066d} if the unicode flag is set)٭1645
\u066e (or \u{066e} if the unicode flag is set)ٮ1646
\u066f (or \u{066f} if the unicode flag is set)ٯ1647
\u0670 (or \u{0670} if the unicode flag is set)ٰ1648
\u0671 (or \u{0671} if the unicode flag is set)ٱ1649
\u0672 (or \u{0672} if the unicode flag is set)ٲ1650
\u0673 (or \u{0673} if the unicode flag is set)ٳ1651
\u0674 (or \u{0674} if the unicode flag is set)ٴ1652
\u0675 (or \u{0675} if the unicode flag is set)ٵ1653
\u0676 (or \u{0676} if the unicode flag is set)ٶ1654
\u0677 (or \u{0677} if the unicode flag is set)ٷ1655
\u0678 (or \u{0678} if the unicode flag is set)ٸ1656
\u0679 (or \u{0679} if the unicode flag is set)ٹ1657
\u067a (or \u{067a} if the unicode flag is set)ٺ1658
\u067b (or \u{067b} if the unicode flag is set)ٻ1659
\u067c (or \u{067c} if the unicode flag is set)ټ1660
\u067d (or \u{067d} if the unicode flag is set)ٽ1661
\u067e (or \u{067e} if the unicode flag is set)پ1662
\u067f (or \u{067f} if the unicode flag is set)ٿ1663
\u0680 (or \u{0680} if the unicode flag is set)ڀ1664
\u0681 (or \u{0681} if the unicode flag is set)ځ1665
\u0682 (or \u{0682} if the unicode flag is set)ڂ1666
\u0683 (or \u{0683} if the unicode flag is set)ڃ1667
\u0684 (or \u{0684} if the unicode flag is set)ڄ1668
\u0685 (or \u{0685} if the unicode flag is set)څ1669
\u0686 (or \u{0686} if the unicode flag is set)چ1670
\u0687 (or \u{0687} if the unicode flag is set)ڇ1671
\u0688 (or \u{0688} if the unicode flag is set)ڈ1672
\u0689 (or \u{0689} if the unicode flag is set)ډ1673
\u068a (or \u{068a} if the unicode flag is set)ڊ1674
\u068b (or \u{068b} if the unicode flag is set)ڋ1675
\u068c (or \u{068c} if the unicode flag is set)ڌ1676
\u068d (or \u{068d} if the unicode flag is set)ڍ1677
\u068e (or \u{068e} if the unicode flag is set)ڎ1678
\u068f (or \u{068f} if the unicode flag is set)ڏ1679
\u0690 (or \u{0690} if the unicode flag is set)ڐ1680
\u0691 (or \u{0691} if the unicode flag is set)ڑ1681
\u0692 (or \u{0692} if the unicode flag is set)ڒ1682
\u0693 (or \u{0693} if the unicode flag is set)ړ1683
\u0694 (or \u{0694} if the unicode flag is set)ڔ1684
\u0695 (or \u{0695} if the unicode flag is set)ڕ1685
\u0696 (or \u{0696} if the unicode flag is set)ږ1686
\u0697 (or \u{0697} if the unicode flag is set)ڗ1687
\u0698 (or \u{0698} if the unicode flag is set)ژ1688
\u0699 (or \u{0699} if the unicode flag is set)ڙ1689
\u069a (or \u{069a} if the unicode flag is set)ښ1690
\u069b (or \u{069b} if the unicode flag is set)ڛ1691
\u069c (or \u{069c} if the unicode flag is set)ڜ1692
\u069d (or \u{069d} if the unicode flag is set)ڝ1693
\u069e (or \u{069e} if the unicode flag is set)ڞ1694
\u069f (or \u{069f} if the unicode flag is set)ڟ1695
\u06a0 (or \u{06a0} if the unicode flag is set)ڠ1696
\u06a1 (or \u{06a1} if the unicode flag is set)ڡ1697
\u06a2 (or \u{06a2} if the unicode flag is set)ڢ1698
\u06a3 (or \u{06a3} if the unicode flag is set)ڣ1699
\u06a4 (or \u{06a4} if the unicode flag is set)ڤ1700
\u06a5 (or \u{06a5} if the unicode flag is set)ڥ1701
\u06a6 (or \u{06a6} if the unicode flag is set)ڦ1702
\u06a7 (or \u{06a7} if the unicode flag is set)ڧ1703
\u06a8 (or \u{06a8} if the unicode flag is set)ڨ1704
\u06a9 (or \u{06a9} if the unicode flag is set)ک1705
\u06aa (or \u{06aa} if the unicode flag is set)ڪ1706
\u06ab (or \u{06ab} if the unicode flag is set)ګ1707
\u06ac (or \u{06ac} if the unicode flag is set)ڬ1708
\u06ad (or \u{06ad} if the unicode flag is set)ڭ1709
\u06ae (or \u{06ae} if the unicode flag is set)ڮ1710
\u06af (or \u{06af} if the unicode flag is set)گ1711
\u06b0 (or \u{06b0} if the unicode flag is set)ڰ1712
\u06b1 (or \u{06b1} if the unicode flag is set)ڱ1713
\u06b2 (or \u{06b2} if the unicode flag is set)ڲ1714
\u06b3 (or \u{06b3} if the unicode flag is set)ڳ1715
\u06b4 (or \u{06b4} if the unicode flag is set)ڴ1716
\u06b5 (or \u{06b5} if the unicode flag is set)ڵ1717
\u06b6 (or \u{06b6} if the unicode flag is set)ڶ1718
\u06b7 (or \u{06b7} if the unicode flag is set)ڷ1719
\u06b8 (or \u{06b8} if the unicode flag is set)ڸ1720
\u06b9 (or \u{06b9} if the unicode flag is set)ڹ1721
\u06ba (or \u{06ba} if the unicode flag is set)ں1722
\u06bb (or \u{06bb} if the unicode flag is set)ڻ1723
\u06bc (or \u{06bc} if the unicode flag is set)ڼ1724
\u06bd (or \u{06bd} if the unicode flag is set)ڽ1725
\u06be (or \u{06be} if the unicode flag is set)ھ1726
\u06bf (or \u{06bf} if the unicode flag is set)ڿ1727
\u06c0 (or \u{06c0} if the unicode flag is set)ۀ1728
\u06c1 (or \u{06c1} if the unicode flag is set)ہ1729
\u06c2 (or \u{06c2} if the unicode flag is set)ۂ1730
\u06c3 (or \u{06c3} if the unicode flag is set)ۃ1731
\u06c4 (or \u{06c4} if the unicode flag is set)ۄ1732
\u06c5 (or \u{06c5} if the unicode flag is set)ۅ1733
\u06c6 (or \u{06c6} if the unicode flag is set)ۆ1734
\u06c7 (or \u{06c7} if the unicode flag is set)ۇ1735
\u06c8 (or \u{06c8} if the unicode flag is set)ۈ1736
\u06c9 (or \u{06c9} if the unicode flag is set)ۉ1737
\u06ca (or \u{06ca} if the unicode flag is set)ۊ1738
\u06cb (or \u{06cb} if the unicode flag is set)ۋ1739
\u06cc (or \u{06cc} if the unicode flag is set)ی1740
\u06cd (or \u{06cd} if the unicode flag is set)ۍ1741
\u06ce (or \u{06ce} if the unicode flag is set)ێ1742
\u06cf (or \u{06cf} if the unicode flag is set)ۏ1743
\u06d0 (or \u{06d0} if the unicode flag is set)ې1744
\u06d1 (or \u{06d1} if the unicode flag is set)ۑ1745
\u06d2 (or \u{06d2} if the unicode flag is set)ے1746
\u06d3 (or \u{06d3} if the unicode flag is set)ۓ1747
\u06d4 (or \u{06d4} if the unicode flag is set)۔1748
\u06d5 (or \u{06d5} if the unicode flag is set)ە1749
\u06d6 (or \u{06d6} if the unicode flag is set)ۖ1750
\u06d7 (or \u{06d7} if the unicode flag is set)ۗ1751
\u06d8 (or \u{06d8} if the unicode flag is set)ۘ1752
\u06d9 (or \u{06d9} if the unicode flag is set)ۙ1753
\u06da (or \u{06da} if the unicode flag is set)ۚ1754
\u06db (or \u{06db} if the unicode flag is set)ۛ1755
\u06dc (or \u{06dc} if the unicode flag is set)ۜ1756
\u06dd (or \u{06dd} if the unicode flag is set)۝1757
\u06de (or \u{06de} if the unicode flag is set)۞1758
\u06df (or \u{06df} if the unicode flag is set)۟1759
\u06e0 (or \u{06e0} if the unicode flag is set)۠1760
\u06e1 (or \u{06e1} if the unicode flag is set)ۡ1761
\u06e2 (or \u{06e2} if the unicode flag is set)ۢ1762
\u06e3 (or \u{06e3} if the unicode flag is set)ۣ1763
\u06e4 (or \u{06e4} if the unicode flag is set)ۤ1764
\u06e5 (or \u{06e5} if the unicode flag is set)ۥ1765
\u06e6 (or \u{06e6} if the unicode flag is set)ۦ1766
\u06e7 (or \u{06e7} if the unicode flag is set)ۧ1767
\u06e8 (or \u{06e8} if the unicode flag is set)ۨ1768
\u06e9 (or \u{06e9} if the unicode flag is set)۩1769
\u06ea (or \u{06ea} if the unicode flag is set)۪1770
\u06eb (or \u{06eb} if the unicode flag is set)۫1771
\u06ec (or \u{06ec} if the unicode flag is set)۬1772
\u06ed (or \u{06ed} if the unicode flag is set)ۭ1773
\u06ee (or \u{06ee} if the unicode flag is set)ۮ1774
\u06ef (or \u{06ef} if the unicode flag is set)ۯ1775
\u06f0 (or \u{06f0} if the unicode flag is set)۰1776
\u06f1 (or \u{06f1} if the unicode flag is set)۱1777
\u06f2 (or \u{06f2} if the unicode flag is set)۲1778
\u06f3 (or \u{06f3} if the unicode flag is set)۳1779
\u06f4 (or \u{06f4} if the unicode flag is set)۴1780
\u06f5 (or \u{06f5} if the unicode flag is set)۵1781
\u06f6 (or \u{06f6} if the unicode flag is set)۶1782
\u06f7 (or \u{06f7} if the unicode flag is set)۷1783
\u06f8 (or \u{06f8} if the unicode flag is set)۸1784
\u06f9 (or \u{06f9} if the unicode flag is set)۹1785
\u06fa (or \u{06fa} if the unicode flag is set)ۺ1786
\u06fb (or \u{06fb} if the unicode flag is set)ۻ1787
\u06fc (or \u{06fc} if the unicode flag is set)ۼ1788
\u06fd (or \u{06fd} if the unicode flag is set)۽1789
\u06fe (or \u{06fe} if the unicode flag is set)۾1790
\u06ff (or \u{06ff} if the unicode flag is set)ۿ1791
\u0700 (or \u{0700} if the unicode flag is set)܀1792
\u0701 (or \u{0701} if the unicode flag is set)܁1793
\u0702 (or \u{0702} if the unicode flag is set)܂1794
\u0703 (or \u{0703} if the unicode flag is set)܃1795
\u0704 (or \u{0704} if the unicode flag is set)܄1796
\u0705 (or \u{0705} if the unicode flag is set)܅1797
\u0706 (or \u{0706} if the unicode flag is set)܆1798
\u0707 (or \u{0707} if the unicode flag is set)܇1799
\u0708 (or \u{0708} if the unicode flag is set)܈1800
\u0709 (or \u{0709} if the unicode flag is set)܉1801
\u070a (or \u{070a} if the unicode flag is set)܊1802
\u070b (or \u{070b} if the unicode flag is set)܋1803
\u070c (or \u{070c} if the unicode flag is set)܌1804
\u070d (or \u{070d} if the unicode flag is set)܍1805
\u070e (or \u{070e} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1806
\u070f (or \u{070f} if the unicode flag is set)܏1807
\u0710 (or \u{0710} if the unicode flag is set)ܐ1808
\u0711 (or \u{0711} if the unicode flag is set)ܑ1809
\u0712 (or \u{0712} if the unicode flag is set)ܒ1810
\u0713 (or \u{0713} if the unicode flag is set)ܓ1811
\u0714 (or \u{0714} if the unicode flag is set)ܔ1812
\u0715 (or \u{0715} if the unicode flag is set)ܕ1813
\u0716 (or \u{0716} if the unicode flag is set)ܖ1814
\u0717 (or \u{0717} if the unicode flag is set)ܗ1815
\u0718 (or \u{0718} if the unicode flag is set)ܘ1816
\u0719 (or \u{0719} if the unicode flag is set)ܙ1817
\u071a (or \u{071a} if the unicode flag is set)ܚ1818
\u071b (or \u{071b} if the unicode flag is set)ܛ1819
\u071c (or \u{071c} if the unicode flag is set)ܜ1820
\u071d (or \u{071d} if the unicode flag is set)ܝ1821
\u071e (or \u{071e} if the unicode flag is set)ܞ1822
\u071f (or \u{071f} if the unicode flag is set)ܟ1823
\u0720 (or \u{0720} if the unicode flag is set)ܠ1824
\u0721 (or \u{0721} if the unicode flag is set)ܡ1825
\u0722 (or \u{0722} if the unicode flag is set)ܢ1826
\u0723 (or \u{0723} if the unicode flag is set)ܣ1827
\u0724 (or \u{0724} if the unicode flag is set)ܤ1828
\u0725 (or \u{0725} if the unicode flag is set)ܥ1829
\u0726 (or \u{0726} if the unicode flag is set)ܦ1830
\u0727 (or \u{0727} if the unicode flag is set)ܧ1831
\u0728 (or \u{0728} if the unicode flag is set)ܨ1832
\u0729 (or \u{0729} if the unicode flag is set)ܩ1833
\u072a (or \u{072a} if the unicode flag is set)ܪ1834
\u072b (or \u{072b} if the unicode flag is set)ܫ1835
\u072c (or \u{072c} if the unicode flag is set)ܬ1836
\u072d (or \u{072d} if the unicode flag is set)ܭ1837
\u072e (or \u{072e} if the unicode flag is set)ܮ1838
\u072f (or \u{072f} if the unicode flag is set)ܯ1839
\u0730 (or \u{0730} if the unicode flag is set)ܰ1840
\u0731 (or \u{0731} if the unicode flag is set)ܱ1841
\u0732 (or \u{0732} if the unicode flag is set)ܲ1842
\u0733 (or \u{0733} if the unicode flag is set)ܳ1843
\u0734 (or \u{0734} if the unicode flag is set)ܴ1844
\u0735 (or \u{0735} if the unicode flag is set)ܵ1845
\u0736 (or \u{0736} if the unicode flag is set)ܶ1846
\u0737 (or \u{0737} if the unicode flag is set)ܷ1847
\u0738 (or \u{0738} if the unicode flag is set)ܸ1848
\u0739 (or \u{0739} if the unicode flag is set)ܹ1849
\u073a (or \u{073a} if the unicode flag is set)ܺ1850
\u073b (or \u{073b} if the unicode flag is set)ܻ1851
\u073c (or \u{073c} if the unicode flag is set)ܼ1852
\u073d (or \u{073d} if the unicode flag is set)ܽ1853
\u073e (or \u{073e} if the unicode flag is set)ܾ1854
\u073f (or \u{073f} if the unicode flag is set)ܿ1855
\u0740 (or \u{0740} if the unicode flag is set)݀1856
\u0741 (or \u{0741} if the unicode flag is set)݁1857
\u0742 (or \u{0742} if the unicode flag is set)݂1858
\u0743 (or \u{0743} if the unicode flag is set)݃1859
\u0744 (or \u{0744} if the unicode flag is set)݄1860
\u0745 (or \u{0745} if the unicode flag is set)݅1861
\u0746 (or \u{0746} if the unicode flag is set)݆1862
\u0747 (or \u{0747} if the unicode flag is set)݇1863
\u0748 (or \u{0748} if the unicode flag is set)݈1864
\u0749 (or \u{0749} if the unicode flag is set)݉1865
\u074a (or \u{074a} if the unicode flag is set)݊1866
\u074b (or \u{074b} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1867
\u074c (or \u{074c} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1868
\u074d (or \u{074d} if the unicode flag is set)ݍ1869
\u074e (or \u{074e} if the unicode flag is set)ݎ1870
\u074f (or \u{074f} if the unicode flag is set)ݏ1871
\u0750 (or \u{0750} if the unicode flag is set)ݐ1872
\u0751 (or \u{0751} if the unicode flag is set)ݑ1873
\u0752 (or \u{0752} if the unicode flag is set)ݒ1874
\u0753 (or \u{0753} if the unicode flag is set)ݓ1875
\u0754 (or \u{0754} if the unicode flag is set)ݔ1876
\u0755 (or \u{0755} if the unicode flag is set)ݕ1877
\u0756 (or \u{0756} if the unicode flag is set)ݖ1878
\u0757 (or \u{0757} if the unicode flag is set)ݗ1879
\u0758 (or \u{0758} if the unicode flag is set)ݘ1880
\u0759 (or \u{0759} if the unicode flag is set)ݙ1881
\u075a (or \u{075a} if the unicode flag is set)ݚ1882
\u075b (or \u{075b} if the unicode flag is set)ݛ1883
\u075c (or \u{075c} if the unicode flag is set)ݜ1884
\u075d (or \u{075d} if the unicode flag is set)ݝ1885
\u075e (or \u{075e} if the unicode flag is set)ݞ1886
\u075f (or \u{075f} if the unicode flag is set)ݟ1887
\u0760 (or \u{0760} if the unicode flag is set)ݠ1888
\u0761 (or \u{0761} if the unicode flag is set)ݡ1889
\u0762 (or \u{0762} if the unicode flag is set)ݢ1890
\u0763 (or \u{0763} if the unicode flag is set)ݣ1891
\u0764 (or \u{0764} if the unicode flag is set)ݤ1892
\u0765 (or \u{0765} if the unicode flag is set)ݥ1893
\u0766 (or \u{0766} if the unicode flag is set)ݦ1894
\u0767 (or \u{0767} if the unicode flag is set)ݧ1895
\u0768 (or \u{0768} if the unicode flag is set)ݨ1896
\u0769 (or \u{0769} if the unicode flag is set)ݩ1897
\u076a (or \u{076a} if the unicode flag is set)ݪ1898
\u076b (or \u{076b} if the unicode flag is set)ݫ1899
\u076c (or \u{076c} if the unicode flag is set)ݬ1900
\u076d (or \u{076d} if the unicode flag is set)ݭ1901
\u076e (or \u{076e} if the unicode flag is set)ݮ1902
\u076f (or \u{076f} if the unicode flag is set)ݯ1903
\u0770 (or \u{0770} if the unicode flag is set)ݰ1904
\u0771 (or \u{0771} if the unicode flag is set)ݱ1905
\u0772 (or \u{0772} if the unicode flag is set)ݲ1906
\u0773 (or \u{0773} if the unicode flag is set)ݳ1907
\u0774 (or \u{0774} if the unicode flag is set)ݴ1908
\u0775 (or \u{0775} if the unicode flag is set)ݵ1909
\u0776 (or \u{0776} if the unicode flag is set)ݶ1910
\u0777 (or \u{0777} if the unicode flag is set)ݷ1911
\u0778 (or \u{0778} if the unicode flag is set)ݸ1912
\u0779 (or \u{0779} if the unicode flag is set)ݹ1913
\u077a (or \u{077a} if the unicode flag is set)ݺ1914
\u077b (or \u{077b} if the unicode flag is set)ݻ1915
\u077c (or \u{077c} if the unicode flag is set)ݼ1916
\u077d (or \u{077d} if the unicode flag is set)ݽ1917
\u077e (or \u{077e} if the unicode flag is set)ݾ1918
\u077f (or \u{077f} if the unicode flag is set)ݿ1919
\u0780 (or \u{0780} if the unicode flag is set)ހ1920
\u0781 (or \u{0781} if the unicode flag is set)ށ1921
\u0782 (or \u{0782} if the unicode flag is set)ނ1922
\u0783 (or \u{0783} if the unicode flag is set)ރ1923
\u0784 (or \u{0784} if the unicode flag is set)ބ1924
\u0785 (or \u{0785} if the unicode flag is set)ޅ1925
\u0786 (or \u{0786} if the unicode flag is set)ކ1926
\u0787 (or \u{0787} if the unicode flag is set)އ1927
\u0788 (or \u{0788} if the unicode flag is set)ވ1928
\u0789 (or \u{0789} if the unicode flag is set)މ1929
\u078a (or \u{078a} if the unicode flag is set)ފ1930
\u078b (or \u{078b} if the unicode flag is set)ދ1931
\u078c (or \u{078c} if the unicode flag is set)ތ1932
\u078d (or \u{078d} if the unicode flag is set)ލ1933
\u078e (or \u{078e} if the unicode flag is set)ގ1934
\u078f (or \u{078f} if the unicode flag is set)ޏ1935
\u0790 (or \u{0790} if the unicode flag is set)ސ1936
\u0791 (or \u{0791} if the unicode flag is set)ޑ1937
\u0792 (or \u{0792} if the unicode flag is set)ޒ1938
\u0793 (or \u{0793} if the unicode flag is set)ޓ1939
\u0794 (or \u{0794} if the unicode flag is set)ޔ1940
\u0795 (or \u{0795} if the unicode flag is set)ޕ1941
\u0796 (or \u{0796} if the unicode flag is set)ޖ1942
\u0797 (or \u{0797} if the unicode flag is set)ޗ1943
\u0798 (or \u{0798} if the unicode flag is set)ޘ1944
\u0799 (or \u{0799} if the unicode flag is set)ޙ1945
\u079a (or \u{079a} if the unicode flag is set)ޚ1946
\u079b (or \u{079b} if the unicode flag is set)ޛ1947
\u079c (or \u{079c} if the unicode flag is set)ޜ1948
\u079d (or \u{079d} if the unicode flag is set)ޝ1949
\u079e (or \u{079e} if the unicode flag is set)ޞ1950
\u079f (or \u{079f} if the unicode flag is set)ޟ1951
\u07a0 (or \u{07a0} if the unicode flag is set)ޠ1952
\u07a1 (or \u{07a1} if the unicode flag is set)ޡ1953
\u07a2 (or \u{07a2} if the unicode flag is set)ޢ1954
\u07a3 (or \u{07a3} if the unicode flag is set)ޣ1955
\u07a4 (or \u{07a4} if the unicode flag is set)ޤ1956
\u07a5 (or \u{07a5} if the unicode flag is set)ޥ1957
\u07a6 (or \u{07a6} if the unicode flag is set)ަ1958
\u07a7 (or \u{07a7} if the unicode flag is set)ާ1959
\u07a8 (or \u{07a8} if the unicode flag is set)ި1960
\u07a9 (or \u{07a9} if the unicode flag is set)ީ1961
\u07aa (or \u{07aa} if the unicode flag is set)ު1962
\u07ab (or \u{07ab} if the unicode flag is set)ޫ1963
\u07ac (or \u{07ac} if the unicode flag is set)ެ1964
\u07ad (or \u{07ad} if the unicode flag is set)ޭ1965
\u07ae (or \u{07ae} if the unicode flag is set)ޮ1966
\u07af (or \u{07af} if the unicode flag is set)ޯ1967
\u07b0 (or \u{07b0} if the unicode flag is set)ް1968
\u07b1 (or \u{07b1} if the unicode flag is set)ޱ1969
\u07b2 (or \u{07b2} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1970
\u07b3 (or \u{07b3} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1971
\u07b4 (or \u{07b4} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1972
\u07b5 (or \u{07b5} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1973
\u07b6 (or \u{07b6} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1974
\u07b7 (or \u{07b7} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1975
\u07b8 (or \u{07b8} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1976
\u07b9 (or \u{07b9} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1977
\u07ba (or \u{07ba} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1978
\u07bb (or \u{07bb} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1979
\u07bc (or \u{07bc} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1980
\u07bd (or \u{07bd} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1981
\u07be (or \u{07be} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1982
\u07bf (or \u{07bf} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned1983
\u07c0 (or \u{07c0} if the unicode flag is set)߀1984
\u07c1 (or \u{07c1} if the unicode flag is set)߁1985
\u07c2 (or \u{07c2} if the unicode flag is set)߂1986
\u07c3 (or \u{07c3} if the unicode flag is set)߃1987
\u07c4 (or \u{07c4} if the unicode flag is set)߄1988
\u07c5 (or \u{07c5} if the unicode flag is set)߅1989
\u07c6 (or \u{07c6} if the unicode flag is set)߆1990
\u07c7 (or \u{07c7} if the unicode flag is set)߇1991
\u07c8 (or \u{07c8} if the unicode flag is set)߈1992
\u07c9 (or \u{07c9} if the unicode flag is set)߉1993
\u07ca (or \u{07ca} if the unicode flag is set)ߊ1994
\u07cb (or \u{07cb} if the unicode flag is set)ߋ1995
\u07cc (or \u{07cc} if the unicode flag is set)ߌ1996
\u07cd (or \u{07cd} if the unicode flag is set)ߍ1997
\u07ce (or \u{07ce} if the unicode flag is set)ߎ1998
\u07cf (or \u{07cf} if the unicode flag is set)ߏ1999
\u07d0 (or \u{07d0} if the unicode flag is set)ߐ2000
\u07d1 (or \u{07d1} if the unicode flag is set)ߑ2001
\u07d2 (or \u{07d2} if the unicode flag is set)ߒ2002
\u07d3 (or \u{07d3} if the unicode flag is set)ߓ2003
\u07d4 (or \u{07d4} if the unicode flag is set)ߔ2004
\u07d5 (or \u{07d5} if the unicode flag is set)ߕ2005
\u07d6 (or \u{07d6} if the unicode flag is set)ߖ2006
\u07d7 (or \u{07d7} if the unicode flag is set)ߗ2007
\u07d8 (or \u{07d8} if the unicode flag is set)ߘ2008
\u07d9 (or \u{07d9} if the unicode flag is set)ߙ2009
\u07da (or \u{07da} if the unicode flag is set)ߚ2010
\u07db (or \u{07db} if the unicode flag is set)ߛ2011
\u07dc (or \u{07dc} if the unicode flag is set)ߜ2012
\u07dd (or \u{07dd} if the unicode flag is set)ߝ2013
\u07de (or \u{07de} if the unicode flag is set)ߞ2014
\u07df (or \u{07df} if the unicode flag is set)ߟ2015
\u07e0 (or \u{07e0} if the unicode flag is set)ߠ2016
\u07e1 (or \u{07e1} if the unicode flag is set)ߡ2017
\u07e2 (or \u{07e2} if the unicode flag is set)ߢ2018
\u07e3 (or \u{07e3} if the unicode flag is set)ߣ2019
\u07e4 (or \u{07e4} if the unicode flag is set)ߤ2020
\u07e5 (or \u{07e5} if the unicode flag is set)ߥ2021
\u07e6 (or \u{07e6} if the unicode flag is set)ߦ2022
\u07e7 (or \u{07e7} if the unicode flag is set)ߧ2023
\u07e8 (or \u{07e8} if the unicode flag is set)ߨ2024
\u07e9 (or \u{07e9} if the unicode flag is set)ߩ2025
\u07ea (or \u{07ea} if the unicode flag is set)ߪ2026
\u07eb (or \u{07eb} if the unicode flag is set)߫2027
\u07ec (or \u{07ec} if the unicode flag is set)߬2028
\u07ed (or \u{07ed} if the unicode flag is set)߭2029
\u07ee (or \u{07ee} if the unicode flag is set)߮2030
\u07ef (or \u{07ef} if the unicode flag is set)߯2031
\u07f0 (or \u{07f0} if the unicode flag is set)߰2032
\u07f1 (or \u{07f1} if the unicode flag is set)߱2033
\u07f2 (or \u{07f2} if the unicode flag is set)߲2034
\u07f3 (or \u{07f3} if the unicode flag is set)߳2035
\u07f4 (or \u{07f4} if the unicode flag is set)ߴ2036
\u07f5 (or \u{07f5} if the unicode flag is set)ߵ2037
\u07f6 (or \u{07f6} if the unicode flag is set)߶2038
\u07f7 (or \u{07f7} if the unicode flag is set)߷2039
\u07f8 (or \u{07f8} if the unicode flag is set)߸2040
\u07f9 (or \u{07f9} if the unicode flag is set)߹2041
\u07fa (or \u{07fa} if the unicode flag is set)ߺ2042
\u07fb (or \u{07fb} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2043
\u07fc (or \u{07fc} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2044
\u07fd (or \u{07fd} if the unicode flag is set)߽2045
\u07fe (or \u{07fe} if the unicode flag is set)߾2046
\u07ff (or \u{07ff} if the unicode flag is set)߿2047
\u0800 (or \u{0800} if the unicode flag is set)2048
\u0801 (or \u{0801} if the unicode flag is set)2049
\u0802 (or \u{0802} if the unicode flag is set)2050
\u0803 (or \u{0803} if the unicode flag is set)2051
\u0804 (or \u{0804} if the unicode flag is set)2052
\u0805 (or \u{0805} if the unicode flag is set)2053
\u0806 (or \u{0806} if the unicode flag is set)2054
\u0807 (or \u{0807} if the unicode flag is set)2055
\u0808 (or \u{0808} if the unicode flag is set)2056
\u0809 (or \u{0809} if the unicode flag is set)2057
\u080a (or \u{080a} if the unicode flag is set)2058
\u080b (or \u{080b} if the unicode flag is set)2059
\u080c (or \u{080c} if the unicode flag is set)2060
\u080d (or \u{080d} if the unicode flag is set)2061
\u080e (or \u{080e} if the unicode flag is set)2062
\u080f (or \u{080f} if the unicode flag is set)2063
\u0810 (or \u{0810} if the unicode flag is set)2064
\u0811 (or \u{0811} if the unicode flag is set)2065
\u0812 (or \u{0812} if the unicode flag is set)2066
\u0813 (or \u{0813} if the unicode flag is set)2067
\u0814 (or \u{0814} if the unicode flag is set)2068
\u0815 (or \u{0815} if the unicode flag is set)2069
\u0816 (or \u{0816} if the unicode flag is set)2070
\u0817 (or \u{0817} if the unicode flag is set)2071
\u0818 (or \u{0818} if the unicode flag is set)2072
\u0819 (or \u{0819} if the unicode flag is set)2073
\u081a (or \u{081a} if the unicode flag is set)2074
\u081b (or \u{081b} if the unicode flag is set)2075
\u081c (or \u{081c} if the unicode flag is set)2076
\u081d (or \u{081d} if the unicode flag is set)2077
\u081e (or \u{081e} if the unicode flag is set)2078
\u081f (or \u{081f} if the unicode flag is set)2079
\u0820 (or \u{0820} if the unicode flag is set)2080
\u0821 (or \u{0821} if the unicode flag is set)2081
\u0822 (or \u{0822} if the unicode flag is set)2082
\u0823 (or \u{0823} if the unicode flag is set)2083
\u0824 (or \u{0824} if the unicode flag is set)2084
\u0825 (or \u{0825} if the unicode flag is set)2085
\u0826 (or \u{0826} if the unicode flag is set)2086
\u0827 (or \u{0827} if the unicode flag is set)2087
\u0828 (or \u{0828} if the unicode flag is set)2088
\u0829 (or \u{0829} if the unicode flag is set)2089
\u082a (or \u{082a} if the unicode flag is set)2090
\u082b (or \u{082b} if the unicode flag is set)2091
\u082c (or \u{082c} if the unicode flag is set)2092
\u082d (or \u{082d} if the unicode flag is set)2093
\u082e (or \u{082e} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2094
\u082f (or \u{082f} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2095
\u0830 (or \u{0830} if the unicode flag is set)2096
\u0831 (or \u{0831} if the unicode flag is set)2097
\u0832 (or \u{0832} if the unicode flag is set)2098
\u0833 (or \u{0833} if the unicode flag is set)2099
\u0834 (or \u{0834} if the unicode flag is set)2100
\u0835 (or \u{0835} if the unicode flag is set)2101
\u0836 (or \u{0836} if the unicode flag is set)2102
\u0837 (or \u{0837} if the unicode flag is set)2103
\u0838 (or \u{0838} if the unicode flag is set)2104
\u0839 (or \u{0839} if the unicode flag is set)2105
\u083a (or \u{083a} if the unicode flag is set)2106
\u083b (or \u{083b} if the unicode flag is set)2107
\u083c (or \u{083c} if the unicode flag is set)2108
\u083d (or \u{083d} if the unicode flag is set)2109
\u083e (or \u{083e} if the unicode flag is set)2110
\u083f (or \u{083f} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2111
\u0840 (or \u{0840} if the unicode flag is set)2112
\u0841 (or \u{0841} if the unicode flag is set)2113
\u0842 (or \u{0842} if the unicode flag is set)2114
\u0843 (or \u{0843} if the unicode flag is set)2115
\u0844 (or \u{0844} if the unicode flag is set)2116
\u0845 (or \u{0845} if the unicode flag is set)2117
\u0846 (or \u{0846} if the unicode flag is set)2118
\u0847 (or \u{0847} if the unicode flag is set)2119
\u0848 (or \u{0848} if the unicode flag is set)2120
\u0849 (or \u{0849} if the unicode flag is set)2121
\u084a (or \u{084a} if the unicode flag is set)2122
\u084b (or \u{084b} if the unicode flag is set)2123
\u084c (or \u{084c} if the unicode flag is set)2124
\u084d (or \u{084d} if the unicode flag is set)2125
\u084e (or \u{084e} if the unicode flag is set)2126
\u084f (or \u{084f} if the unicode flag is set)2127
\u0850 (or \u{0850} if the unicode flag is set)2128
\u0851 (or \u{0851} if the unicode flag is set)2129
\u0852 (or \u{0852} if the unicode flag is set)2130
\u0853 (or \u{0853} if the unicode flag is set)2131
\u0854 (or \u{0854} if the unicode flag is set)2132
\u0855 (or \u{0855} if the unicode flag is set)2133
\u0856 (or \u{0856} if the unicode flag is set)2134
\u0857 (or \u{0857} if the unicode flag is set)2135
\u0858 (or \u{0858} if the unicode flag is set)2136
\u0859 (or \u{0859} if the unicode flag is set)2137
\u085a (or \u{085a} if the unicode flag is set)2138
\u085b (or \u{085b} if the unicode flag is set)2139
\u085c (or \u{085c} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2140
\u085d (or \u{085d} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2141
\u085e (or \u{085e} if the unicode flag is set)2142
\u085f (or \u{085f} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2143
\u0860 (or \u{0860} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM NGA2144
\u0861 (or \u{0861} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM JA2145
\u0862 (or \u{0862} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM NYA2146
\u0863 (or \u{0863} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM TTA2147
\u0864 (or \u{0864} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM NNA2148
\u0865 (or \u{0865} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM NNNA2149
\u0866 (or \u{0866} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM BHA2150
\u0867 (or \u{0867} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM RA2151
\u0868 (or \u{0868} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM LLA2152
\u0869 (or \u{0869} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM LLLA2153
\u086a (or \u{086a} if the unicode flag is set)SYRIAC LETTER MALAYALAM SSA2154
\u086b (or \u{086b} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2155
\u086c (or \u{086c} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2156
\u086d (or \u{086d} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2157
\u086e (or \u{086e} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2158
\u086f (or \u{086f} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2159
\u0870 (or \u{0870} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED FATHA2160
\u0871 (or \u{0871} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED TOP RIGHT FATHA2161
\u0872 (or \u{0872} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH RIGHT MIDDLE STROKE2162
\u0873 (or \u{0873} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH LEFT MIDDLE STROKE2163
\u0874 (or \u{0874} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED KASRA2164
\u0875 (or \u{0875} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED BOTTOM RIGHT KASRA2165
\u0876 (or \u{0876} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED ROUND DOT ABOVE2166
\u0877 (or \u{0877} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED RIGHT ROUND DOT2167
\u0878 (or \u{0878} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED LEFT ROUND DOT2168
\u0879 (or \u{0879} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED ROUND DOT BELOW2169
\u087a (or \u{087a} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH DOT ABOVE2170
\u087b (or \u{087b} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED TOP RIGHT FATHA AND DOT ABOVE2171
\u087c (or \u{087c} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH RIGHT MIDDLE STROKE AND DOT ABOVE2172
\u087d (or \u{087d} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED BOTTOM RIGHT KASRA AND DOT ABOVE2173
\u087e (or \u{087e} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED TOP RIGHT FATHA AND LEFT RING2174
\u087f (or \u{087f} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH RIGHT MIDDLE STROKE AND LEFT RING2175
\u0880 (or \u{0880} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED BOTTOM RIGHT KASRA AND LEFT RING2176
\u0881 (or \u{0881} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED RIGHT HAMZA2177
\u0882 (or \u{0882} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH ATTACHED LEFT HAMZA2178
\u0883 (or \u{0883} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC TATWEEL WITH OVERSTRUCK HAMZA2179
\u0884 (or \u{0884} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC TATWEEL WITH OVERSTRUCK WAW2180
\u0885 (or \u{0885} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC TATWEEL WITH TWO DOTS BELOW2181
\u0886 (or \u{0886} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER THIN YEH2182
\u0887 (or \u{0887} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC BASELINE ROUND DOT2183
\u0888 (or \u{0888} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC RAISED ROUND DOT2184
\u0889 (or \u{0889} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH INVERTED SMALL V2185
\u088a (or \u{088a} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH INVERTED SMALL V BELOW2186
\u088b (or \u{088b} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER TAH WITH DOT BELOW2187
\u088c (or \u{088c} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER TAH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW2188
\u088d (or \u{088d} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH TWO DOTS VERTICALLY BELOW2189
\u088e (or \u{088e} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC VERTICAL TAIL2190
\u088f (or \u{088f} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2191
\u0890 (or \u{0890} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC POUND MARK ABOVE2192
\u0891 (or \u{0891} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC PIASTRE MARK ABOVE2193
\u0892 (or \u{0892} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2194
\u0893 (or \u{0893} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2195
\u0894 (or \u{0894} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2196
\u0895 (or \u{0895} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2197
\u0896 (or \u{0896} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2198
\u0897 (or \u{0897} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2199
\u0898 (or \u{0898} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL HIGH WORD AL-JUZ2200
\u0899 (or \u{0899} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD ISHMAAM2201
\u089a (or \u{089a} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD IMAALA2202
\u089b (or \u{089b} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD TASHEEL2203
\u089c (or \u{089c} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC MADDA WAAJIB2204
\u089d (or \u{089d} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SUPERSCRIPT ALEF MOKHASSAS2205
\u089e (or \u{089e} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC DOUBLED MADDA2206
\u089f (or \u{089f} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC HALF MADDA OVER MADDA2207
\u08a0 (or \u{08a0} if the unicode flag is set)2208
\u08a1 (or \u{08a1} if the unicode flag is set)2209
\u08a2 (or \u{08a2} if the unicode flag is set)2210
\u08a3 (or \u{08a3} if the unicode flag is set)2211
\u08a4 (or \u{08a4} if the unicode flag is set)2212
\u08a5 (or \u{08a5} if the unicode flag is set)2213
\u08a6 (or \u{08a6} if the unicode flag is set)2214
\u08a7 (or \u{08a7} if the unicode flag is set)2215
\u08a8 (or \u{08a8} if the unicode flag is set)2216
\u08a9 (or \u{08a9} if the unicode flag is set)2217
\u08aa (or \u{08aa} if the unicode flag is set)2218
\u08ab (or \u{08ab} if the unicode flag is set)2219
\u08ac (or \u{08ac} if the unicode flag is set)2220
\u08ad (or \u{08ad} if the unicode flag is set)2221
\u08ae (or \u{08ae} if the unicode flag is set)2222
\u08af (or \u{08af} if the unicode flag is set)2223
\u08b0 (or \u{08b0} if the unicode flag is set)2224
\u08b1 (or \u{08b1} if the unicode flag is set)2225
\u08b2 (or \u{08b2} if the unicode flag is set)2226
\u08b3 (or \u{08b3} if the unicode flag is set)2227
\u08b4 (or \u{08b4} if the unicode flag is set)2228
\u08b5 (or \u{08b5} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH DOT BELOW AND NO DOTS ABOVE2229
\u08b6 (or \u{08b6} if the unicode flag is set)2230
\u08b7 (or \u{08b7} if the unicode flag is set)2231
\u08b8 (or \u{08b8} if the unicode flag is set)2232
\u08b9 (or \u{08b9} if the unicode flag is set)2233
\u08ba (or \u{08ba} if the unicode flag is set)2234
\u08bb (or \u{08bb} if the unicode flag is set)2235
\u08bc (or \u{08bc} if the unicode flag is set)2236
\u08bd (or \u{08bd} if the unicode flag is set)2237
\u08be (or \u{08be} if the unicode flag is set)2238
\u08bf (or \u{08bf} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH SMALL V2239
\u08c0 (or \u{08c0} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER TTEH WITH SMALL V2240
\u08c1 (or \u{08c1} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER TCHEH WITH SMALL V2241
\u08c2 (or \u{08c2} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH SMALL V2242
\u08c3 (or \u{08c3} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER GHAIN WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE2243
\u08c4 (or \u{08c4} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER AFRICAN QAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE2244
\u08c5 (or \u{08c5} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER JEEM WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE2245
\u08c6 (or \u{08c6} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER JEEM WITH THREE DOTS BELOW2246
\u08c7 (or \u{08c7} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH SMALL ARABIC LETTER TAH ABOVE2247
\u08c8 (or \u{08c8} if the unicode flag is set)2248
\u08c9 (or \u{08c9} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL FARSI YEH2249
\u08ca (or \u{08ca} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL HIGH FARSI YEH2250
\u08cb (or \u{08cb} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL HIGH YEH BARREE WITH TWO DOTS BELOW2251
\u08cc (or \u{08cc} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL HIGH WORD SAH2252
\u08cd (or \u{08cd} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL HIGH ZAH2253
\u08ce (or \u{08ce} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LARGE ROUND DOT ABOVE2254
\u08cf (or \u{08cf} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LARGE ROUND DOT BELOW2255
\u08d0 (or \u{08d0} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SUKUN BELOW2256
\u08d1 (or \u{08d1} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LARGE CIRCLE BELOW2257
\u08d2 (or \u{08d2} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC LARGE ROUND DOT INSIDE CIRCLE BELOW2258
\u08d3 (or \u{08d3} if the unicode flag is set)ARABIC SMALL LOW WAW2259
\u08d4 (or \u{08d4} if the unicode flag is set)2260
\u08d5 (or \u{08d5} if the unicode flag is set)2261
\u08d6 (or \u{08d6} if the unicode flag is set)2262
\u08d7 (or \u{08d7} if the unicode flag is set)2263
\u08d8 (or \u{08d8} if the unicode flag is set)2264
\u08d9 (or \u{08d9} if the unicode flag is set)2265
\u08da (or \u{08da} if the unicode flag is set)2266
\u08db (or \u{08db} if the unicode flag is set)2267
\u08dc (or \u{08dc} if the unicode flag is set)2268
\u08dd (or \u{08dd} if the unicode flag is set)2269
\u08de (or \u{08de} if the unicode flag is set)2270
\u08df (or \u{08df} if the unicode flag is set)2271
\u08e0 (or \u{08e0} if the unicode flag is set)2272
\u08e1 (or \u{08e1} if the unicode flag is set)2273
\u08e2 (or \u{08e2} if the unicode flag is set)2274
\u08e3 (or \u{08e3} if the unicode flag is set)2275
\u08e4 (or \u{08e4} if the unicode flag is set)2276
\u08e5 (or \u{08e5} if the unicode flag is set)2277
\u08e6 (or \u{08e6} if the unicode flag is set)2278
\u08e7 (or \u{08e7} if the unicode flag is set)2279
\u08e8 (or \u{08e8} if the unicode flag is set)2280
\u08e9 (or \u{08e9} if the unicode flag is set)2281
\u08ea (or \u{08ea} if the unicode flag is set)2282
\u08eb (or \u{08eb} if the unicode flag is set)2283
\u08ec (or \u{08ec} if the unicode flag is set)2284
\u08ed (or \u{08ed} if the unicode flag is set)2285
\u08ee (or \u{08ee} if the unicode flag is set)2286
\u08ef (or \u{08ef} if the unicode flag is set)2287
\u08f0 (or \u{08f0} if the unicode flag is set)2288
\u08f1 (or \u{08f1} if the unicode flag is set)2289
\u08f2 (or \u{08f2} if the unicode flag is set)2290
\u08f3 (or \u{08f3} if the unicode flag is set)2291
\u08f4 (or \u{08f4} if the unicode flag is set)2292
\u08f5 (or \u{08f5} if the unicode flag is set)2293
\u08f6 (or \u{08f6} if the unicode flag is set)2294
\u08f7 (or \u{08f7} if the unicode flag is set)2295
\u08f8 (or \u{08f8} if the unicode flag is set)2296
\u08f9 (or \u{08f9} if the unicode flag is set)2297
\u08fa (or \u{08fa} if the unicode flag is set)2298
\u08fb (or \u{08fb} if the unicode flag is set)2299
\u08fc (or \u{08fc} if the unicode flag is set)2300
\u08fd (or \u{08fd} if the unicode flag is set)2301
\u08fe (or \u{08fe} if the unicode flag is set)2302
\u08ff (or \u{08ff} if the unicode flag is set)2303
\u0900 (or \u{0900} if the unicode flag is set)2304
\u0901 (or \u{0901} if the unicode flag is set)2305
\u0902 (or \u{0902} if the unicode flag is set)2306
\u0903 (or \u{0903} if the unicode flag is set)2307
\u0904 (or \u{0904} if the unicode flag is set)2308
\u0905 (or \u{0905} if the unicode flag is set)2309
\u0906 (or \u{0906} if the unicode flag is set)2310
\u0907 (or \u{0907} if the unicode flag is set)2311
\u0908 (or \u{0908} if the unicode flag is set)2312
\u0909 (or \u{0909} if the unicode flag is set)2313
\u090a (or \u{090a} if the unicode flag is set)2314
\u090b (or \u{090b} if the unicode flag is set)2315
\u090c (or \u{090c} if the unicode flag is set)2316
\u090d (or \u{090d} if the unicode flag is set)2317
\u090e (or \u{090e} if the unicode flag is set)2318
\u090f (or \u{090f} if the unicode flag is set)2319
\u0910 (or \u{0910} if the unicode flag is set)2320
\u0911 (or \u{0911} if the unicode flag is set)2321
\u0912 (or \u{0912} if the unicode flag is set)2322
\u0913 (or \u{0913} if the unicode flag is set)2323
\u0914 (or \u{0914} if the unicode flag is set)2324
\u0915 (or \u{0915} if the unicode flag is set)2325
\u0916 (or \u{0916} if the unicode flag is set)2326
\u0917 (or \u{0917} if the unicode flag is set)2327
\u0918 (or \u{0918} if the unicode flag is set)2328
\u0919 (or \u{0919} if the unicode flag is set)2329
\u091a (or \u{091a} if the unicode flag is set)2330
\u091b (or \u{091b} if the unicode flag is set)2331
\u091c (or \u{091c} if the unicode flag is set)2332
\u091d (or \u{091d} if the unicode flag is set)2333
\u091e (or \u{091e} if the unicode flag is set)2334
\u091f (or \u{091f} if the unicode flag is set)2335
\u0920 (or \u{0920} if the unicode flag is set)2336
\u0921 (or \u{0921} if the unicode flag is set)2337
\u0922 (or \u{0922} if the unicode flag is set)2338
\u0923 (or \u{0923} if the unicode flag is set)2339
\u0924 (or \u{0924} if the unicode flag is set)2340
\u0925 (or \u{0925} if the unicode flag is set)2341
\u0926 (or \u{0926} if the unicode flag is set)2342
\u0927 (or \u{0927} if the unicode flag is set)2343
\u0928 (or \u{0928} if the unicode flag is set)2344
\u0929 (or \u{0929} if the unicode flag is set)2345
\u092a (or \u{092a} if the unicode flag is set)2346
\u092b (or \u{092b} if the unicode flag is set)2347
\u092c (or \u{092c} if the unicode flag is set)2348
\u092d (or \u{092d} if the unicode flag is set)2349
\u092e (or \u{092e} if the unicode flag is set)2350
\u092f (or \u{092f} if the unicode flag is set)2351
\u0930 (or \u{0930} if the unicode flag is set)2352
\u0931 (or \u{0931} if the unicode flag is set)2353
\u0932 (or \u{0932} if the unicode flag is set)2354
\u0933 (or \u{0933} if the unicode flag is set)2355
\u0934 (or \u{0934} if the unicode flag is set)2356
\u0935 (or \u{0935} if the unicode flag is set)2357
\u0936 (or \u{0936} if the unicode flag is set)2358
\u0937 (or \u{0937} if the unicode flag is set)2359
\u0938 (or \u{0938} if the unicode flag is set)2360
\u0939 (or \u{0939} if the unicode flag is set)2361
\u093a (or \u{093a} if the unicode flag is set)2362
\u093b (or \u{093b} if the unicode flag is set)2363
\u093c (or \u{093c} if the unicode flag is set)2364
\u093d (or \u{093d} if the unicode flag is set)2365
\u093e (or \u{093e} if the unicode flag is set)2366
\u093f (or \u{093f} if the unicode flag is set)ि2367
\u0940 (or \u{0940} if the unicode flag is set)2368
\u0941 (or \u{0941} if the unicode flag is set)2369
\u0942 (or \u{0942} if the unicode flag is set)2370
\u0943 (or \u{0943} if the unicode flag is set)2371
\u0944 (or \u{0944} if the unicode flag is set)2372
\u0945 (or \u{0945} if the unicode flag is set)2373
\u0946 (or \u{0946} if the unicode flag is set)2374
\u0947 (or \u{0947} if the unicode flag is set)2375
\u0948 (or \u{0948} if the unicode flag is set)2376
\u0949 (or \u{0949} if the unicode flag is set)2377
\u094a (or \u{094a} if the unicode flag is set)2378
\u094b (or \u{094b} if the unicode flag is set)2379
\u094c (or \u{094c} if the unicode flag is set)2380
\u094d (or \u{094d} if the unicode flag is set)2381
\u094e (or \u{094e} if the unicode flag is set)2382
\u094f (or \u{094f} if the unicode flag is set)2383
\u0950 (or \u{0950} if the unicode flag is set)2384
\u0951 (or \u{0951} if the unicode flag is set)2385
\u0952 (or \u{0952} if the unicode flag is set)2386
\u0953 (or \u{0953} if the unicode flag is set)2387
\u0954 (or \u{0954} if the unicode flag is set)2388
\u0955 (or \u{0955} if the unicode flag is set)2389
\u0956 (or \u{0956} if the unicode flag is set)2390
\u0957 (or \u{0957} if the unicode flag is set)2391
\u0958 (or \u{0958} if the unicode flag is set)2392
\u0959 (or \u{0959} if the unicode flag is set)2393
\u095a (or \u{095a} if the unicode flag is set)2394
\u095b (or \u{095b} if the unicode flag is set)2395
\u095c (or \u{095c} if the unicode flag is set)2396
\u095d (or \u{095d} if the unicode flag is set)2397
\u095e (or \u{095e} if the unicode flag is set)2398
\u095f (or \u{095f} if the unicode flag is set)2399
\u0960 (or \u{0960} if the unicode flag is set)2400
\u0961 (or \u{0961} if the unicode flag is set)2401
\u0962 (or \u{0962} if the unicode flag is set)2402
\u0963 (or \u{0963} if the unicode flag is set)2403
\u0964 (or \u{0964} if the unicode flag is set)2404
\u0965 (or \u{0965} if the unicode flag is set)2405
\u0966 (or \u{0966} if the unicode flag is set)2406
\u0967 (or \u{0967} if the unicode flag is set)2407
\u0968 (or \u{0968} if the unicode flag is set)2408
\u0969 (or \u{0969} if the unicode flag is set)2409
\u096a (or \u{096a} if the unicode flag is set)2410
\u096b (or \u{096b} if the unicode flag is set)2411
\u096c (or \u{096c} if the unicode flag is set)2412
\u096d (or \u{096d} if the unicode flag is set)2413
\u096e (or \u{096e} if the unicode flag is set)2414
\u096f (or \u{096f} if the unicode flag is set)2415
\u0970 (or \u{0970} if the unicode flag is set)2416
\u0971 (or \u{0971} if the unicode flag is set)2417
\u0972 (or \u{0972} if the unicode flag is set)2418
\u0973 (or \u{0973} if the unicode flag is set)2419
\u0974 (or \u{0974} if the unicode flag is set)2420
\u0975 (or \u{0975} if the unicode flag is set)2421
\u0976 (or \u{0976} if the unicode flag is set)2422
\u0977 (or \u{0977} if the unicode flag is set)2423
\u0978 (or \u{0978} if the unicode flag is set)2424
\u0979 (or \u{0979} if the unicode flag is set)2425
\u097a (or \u{097a} if the unicode flag is set)2426
\u097b (or \u{097b} if the unicode flag is set)2427
\u097c (or \u{097c} if the unicode flag is set)2428
\u097d (or \u{097d} if the unicode flag is set)2429
\u097e (or \u{097e} if the unicode flag is set)2430
\u097f (or \u{097f} if the unicode flag is set)ॿ2431
\u0980 (or \u{0980} if the unicode flag is set)2432
\u0981 (or \u{0981} if the unicode flag is set)2433
\u0982 (or \u{0982} if the unicode flag is set)2434
\u0983 (or \u{0983} if the unicode flag is set)2435
\u0984 (or \u{0984} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2436
\u0985 (or \u{0985} if the unicode flag is set)2437
\u0986 (or \u{0986} if the unicode flag is set)2438
\u0987 (or \u{0987} if the unicode flag is set)2439
\u0988 (or \u{0988} if the unicode flag is set)2440
\u0989 (or \u{0989} if the unicode flag is set)2441
\u098a (or \u{098a} if the unicode flag is set)2442
\u098b (or \u{098b} if the unicode flag is set)2443
\u098c (or \u{098c} if the unicode flag is set)2444
\u098d (or \u{098d} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2445
\u098e (or \u{098e} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2446
\u098f (or \u{098f} if the unicode flag is set)2447
\u0990 (or \u{0990} if the unicode flag is set)2448
\u0991 (or \u{0991} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2449
\u0992 (or \u{0992} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2450
\u0993 (or \u{0993} if the unicode flag is set)2451
\u0994 (or \u{0994} if the unicode flag is set)2452
\u0995 (or \u{0995} if the unicode flag is set)2453
\u0996 (or \u{0996} if the unicode flag is set)2454
\u0997 (or \u{0997} if the unicode flag is set)2455
\u0998 (or \u{0998} if the unicode flag is set)2456
\u0999 (or \u{0999} if the unicode flag is set)2457
\u099a (or \u{099a} if the unicode flag is set)2458
\u099b (or \u{099b} if the unicode flag is set)2459
\u099c (or \u{099c} if the unicode flag is set)2460
\u099d (or \u{099d} if the unicode flag is set)2461
\u099e (or \u{099e} if the unicode flag is set)2462
\u099f (or \u{099f} if the unicode flag is set)2463
\u09a0 (or \u{09a0} if the unicode flag is set)2464
\u09a1 (or \u{09a1} if the unicode flag is set)2465
\u09a2 (or \u{09a2} if the unicode flag is set)2466
\u09a3 (or \u{09a3} if the unicode flag is set)2467
\u09a4 (or \u{09a4} if the unicode flag is set)2468
\u09a5 (or \u{09a5} if the unicode flag is set)2469
\u09a6 (or \u{09a6} if the unicode flag is set)2470
\u09a7 (or \u{09a7} if the unicode flag is set)2471
\u09a8 (or \u{09a8} if the unicode flag is set)2472
\u09a9 (or \u{09a9} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2473
\u09aa (or \u{09aa} if the unicode flag is set)2474
\u09ab (or \u{09ab} if the unicode flag is set)2475
\u09ac (or \u{09ac} if the unicode flag is set)2476
\u09ad (or \u{09ad} if the unicode flag is set)2477
\u09ae (or \u{09ae} if the unicode flag is set)2478
\u09af (or \u{09af} if the unicode flag is set)2479
\u09b0 (or \u{09b0} if the unicode flag is set)2480
\u09b1 (or \u{09b1} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2481
\u09b2 (or \u{09b2} if the unicode flag is set)2482
\u09b3 (or \u{09b3} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2483
\u09b4 (or \u{09b4} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2484
\u09b5 (or \u{09b5} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2485
\u09b6 (or \u{09b6} if the unicode flag is set)2486
\u09b7 (or \u{09b7} if the unicode flag is set)2487
\u09b8 (or \u{09b8} if the unicode flag is set)2488
\u09b9 (or \u{09b9} if the unicode flag is set)2489
\u09ba (or \u{09ba} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2490
\u09bb (or \u{09bb} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2491
\u09bc (or \u{09bc} if the unicode flag is set)2492
\u09bd (or \u{09bd} if the unicode flag is set)2493
\u09be (or \u{09be} if the unicode flag is set)2494
\u09bf (or \u{09bf} if the unicode flag is set)ি2495
\u09c0 (or \u{09c0} if the unicode flag is set)2496
\u09c1 (or \u{09c1} if the unicode flag is set)2497
\u09c2 (or \u{09c2} if the unicode flag is set)2498
\u09c3 (or \u{09c3} if the unicode flag is set)2499
\u09c4 (or \u{09c4} if the unicode flag is set)2500
\u09c5 (or \u{09c5} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2501
\u09c6 (or \u{09c6} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2502
\u09c7 (or \u{09c7} if the unicode flag is set)2503
\u09c8 (or \u{09c8} if the unicode flag is set)2504
\u09c9 (or \u{09c9} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2505
\u09ca (or \u{09ca} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2506
\u09cb (or \u{09cb} if the unicode flag is set)2507
\u09cc (or \u{09cc} if the unicode flag is set)2508
\u09cd (or \u{09cd} if the unicode flag is set)2509
\u09ce (or \u{09ce} if the unicode flag is set)2510
\u09cf (or \u{09cf} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2511
\u09d0 (or \u{09d0} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2512
\u09d1 (or \u{09d1} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2513
\u09d2 (or \u{09d2} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2514
\u09d3 (or \u{09d3} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2515
\u09d4 (or \u{09d4} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2516
\u09d5 (or \u{09d5} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2517
\u09d6 (or \u{09d6} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2518
\u09d7 (or \u{09d7} if the unicode flag is set)2519
\u09d8 (or \u{09d8} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2520
\u09d9 (or \u{09d9} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2521
\u09da (or \u{09da} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2522
\u09db (or \u{09db} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2523
\u09dc (or \u{09dc} if the unicode flag is set)2524
\u09dd (or \u{09dd} if the unicode flag is set)2525
\u09de (or \u{09de} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2526
\u09df (or \u{09df} if the unicode flag is set)2527
\u09e0 (or \u{09e0} if the unicode flag is set)2528
\u09e1 (or \u{09e1} if the unicode flag is set)2529
\u09e2 (or \u{09e2} if the unicode flag is set)2530
\u09e3 (or \u{09e3} if the unicode flag is set)2531
\u09e4 (or \u{09e4} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2532
\u09e5 (or \u{09e5} if the unicode flag is set)reserved2533
\u09e6 (or \u{09e6} if the unicode flag is set)2534
\u09e7 (or \u{09e7} if the unicode flag is set)2535
\u09e8 (or \u{09e8} if the unicode flag is set)2536
\u09e9 (or \u{09e9} if the unicode flag is set)2537
\u09ea (or \u{09ea} if the unicode flag is set)2538
\u09eb (or \u{09eb} if the unicode flag is set)2539
\u09ec (or \u{09ec} if the unicode flag is set)2540
\u09ed (or \u{09ed} if the unicode flag is set)2541
\u09ee (or \u{09ee} if the unicode flag is set)2542
\u09ef (or \u{09ef} if the unicode flag is set)2543
\u09f0 (or \u{09f0} if the unicode flag is set)2544
\u09f1 (or \u{09f1} if the unicode flag is set)2545
\u09f2 (or \u{09f2} if the unicode flag is set)2546
\u09f3 (or \u{09f3} if the unicode flag is set)2547
\u09f4 (or \u{09f4} if the unicode flag is set)2548
\u09f5 (or \u{09f5} if the unicode flag is set)2549
\u09f6 (or \u{09f6} if the unicode flag is set)2550
\u09f7 (or \u{09f7} if the unicode flag is set)2551
\u09f8 (or \u{09f8} if the unicode flag is set)2552
\u09f9 (or \u{09f9} if the unicode flag is set)2553
\u09fa (or \u{09fa} if the unicode flag is set)2554
\u09fb (or \u{09fb} if the unicode flag is set)2555
\u09fc (or \u{09fc} if the unicode flag is set)BENGALI LETTER VEDIC ANUSVARA2556
\u09fd (or \u{09fd} if the unicode flag is set)BENGALI ABBREVIATION SIGN2557
\u09fe (or \u{09fe} if the unicode flag is set)BENGALI SANDHI MARK2558
\u09ff (or \u{09ff} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2559
\u0A00 (or \u{0A00} if the unicode flag is set)seems to be unassigned2560